Category Archives: January 2014 Issue 11
Irina Georgieva – Еffects of Humour in Academic and Managerial Context
Abstract: The analysis of humour is not one of the most researched problems by the scientists of organizational life despite its frequency and unique characteristics. Humour facilitates the process of social influence of the individual in academic and managerial context as it increases the persuasiveness of communication. The article aims to analyze the effectiveness of humour as managerial communicative process in organization. This frame of analysis treats also the cultural effects and the role of humor as a communicative device within academic context.
Key words: humour, communication, organizational behavior, management, academical discourse.
Rhetoric and Communications Е-Journal, Issue 11, January 2014,, ISSN 1314-4464
Miroslava Radieva – The Teacher and the Motivation of the Students from Different Cultures in Elementary School
Abstract: The paper includes the results from the observation of the process of motivation of the students who are representatives of different cultures. The good practices are presented by the author using the qualitative methods of the internal and external observation.
Keywords: cultural diversities, elementary school, motivation.
Rhetoric and Communications Е-Journal, Issue 11, January 2014,, ISSN 1314-4464
Ekaterina N. Sredovska – Development of Intercultural Competences of Adolescents trough Participation in Project Activities
Abstract: Тhe accession of Bulgaria to the European Union opened many opportunities for intercultural interaction for the Bulgarian citizens. Therefore, the question of intercultural education from an early age acquires a particular importance. The formation and development of intercultural competence is happening to some extent in the context of educational institutions, but it is not complete without the overarching role of extracurricular activities on a project with such a focus. This report presents the results of empirical research of conducted activities within projects with intercultural subject in which adolescent students participated. In the text the impact of the projects on their intercultural education is analyzed.
Keywords: intercultural education, intercultural competencies, extracurricular activities, project based activity, adolescents.
Rhetoric and Communications Е-Journal, Issue 11, January 2014,, ISSN 1314-4464
Yoana Yankulova – Active Teachings Methods` Impact on Students’ Cognitive System in Intercultural Educational Environment
Abstract: intercultural educational environment is a specific place for effective communication and collaboration, where it’s easier to overcome different prejudices and stereotypes of cultural, ethnic, religious, social, educational, physical nature. To establish adequate rules of conduct and meaningful relationships in the intercultural environment it is very important to know the peculiarities of people`s cognitive functioning – how they perceive, process, remember, think and use the received information outside. Another interesting question is how to optimize human’s cognitive functioning, and one possible way is the applicationof activeteaching methods in the intercultural educational environment. Using these methods people could construct knowledge for themselves, built on previous experience, on your own thoughts and reflections and both learn new things from other people.
Keywords: intercultural educational environment, interactive teaching methods, cognitive abilities, cognitive functioning.
Rhetoric and Communications Е-Journal, Issue 11, January 2014,, ISSN 1314-4464
Sonia Georgieva – Meeting the Needs through Communication in a Community in the Learning Process
Abstract: The paper is an attempt to present arguments and options for the removal of one of the cultural stereotype associated with the understanding that we cannot live alone, sealed and insulated. In opposition to such a thesis there are presented grounds for the meaning and nature of the community and potential future teachers to be entrained in the activities during the lecture and / or independent work under control, so that they become able to create communities and meet their needs.
Keywords: community stereotype, demand, mission
Rhetoric and Communications Е-Journal, Issue 11, January 2014,, ISSN 1314-4464
Yanka Totseva – Innovation and Educational Integration from the Perspective of Teachers of Multicultural Schools
Abstract: The article presents the results of an empirical study of attitudes towards innovation and educational integration of teachers working in a multicultural school environment by projects for educational integration.
Key words: innovation, educational integration, multicultural diversity
Rhetoric and Communications Е-Journal, Issue 11, January 2014,, ISSN 1314-4464
Gergana Apostolova – E-Spaces of Bulgarian Identity
Abstract: This study’s objective would not be a review of the database of sites where Bulgarian people publish but a review of the characteristic features that qualify our self-identification. I shall search for arguments of our identity in the polemics with the e-worlds for defending our cultural space there and with ourselves for defending our cultural entity within a tendency for dissolving into a global culture of a future world. The search is T-based, for our culture is historically involved and our history is embedded in our individual stories in the searches for the common field of the history of the Earth. It is an argument with all the attempts for limiting Bulgarian culture/s to a couple of rituals and folk costumes, and a couple of characteristic features based on shallow root-search neglecting the depth of our global humanity roots and the complexity of our vanguard nature.
Key words: cultural identity, e-spaces, T-agent, folk culture, global culture
Rhetoric and Communications Е-Journal, Issue 11, January 2014,, ISSN 1314-4464
Angel Kondev – The Hidden Face of the Protest – A New Line of Fracturing
Abstract: The proposed article (journalistic/ nonfictional text) represents an attempt to analyze the Bulgarian civil protests of February 2013. A critical evaluation is applied to the most common at the time media interpretations of the scale, nature and reasons behind the protest wave that triggered an early parliamentary elections in Bulgaria. Based on the comparison with the civil unrest in the country from the beginning and the end of the 90s, as well as the current protest movements in Western Europe, USA, Russia and the Arab world, it is hypothesized that the Bulgarian anti-monopoly protests of February 2013 are a part of a new ideological “line of fracturing” occurring naturally in the globalized world after the collapse of the global bipolar geopolitical model and the communist system.
Key words: civil protest, social revolution, political conspiracy, ideology, globalization
Rhetoric and Communications Е-Journal, Issue 11, January 2014,, ISSN 1314-4464
Daniela Sotirova – Cultural barriers to e-Government as Public Innovation
Abstract. A conceptual study of barriers to e-government in cultural perspective is proposed in this paper. Achieving e-literacy by employees and by general public does not lead to easier deployment of e-services. Here we discuss the problem why some factors such as “pressure from the EU”, ineffectiveness of single “good practices” and several successful projects do not create comprehensive institutional culture of e-governance. In this context it is approached to e-government as to a new technological civic environment with parameters of normal public environment. Аnswers to the following questions are proposed, i.e. what are the differences between cultural barriers and obstacles, how the professional mindset of the administrator confronts e-governance, and are there any traits of national culture, which could be a barrier to e-governance in the country.
Keywords: e-governance, cultural barriers, cultural differences, e-citizenship, deficiency of political culture, professional competency, stakeholder approach to e-governance.
Rhetoric and Communications Е-Journal, Issue 11, January 2014,, ISSN 1314-4464