Abstract. A conceptual study of barriers to e-government in cultural perspective is proposed in this paper. Achieving e-literacy by employees and by general public does not lead to easier deployment of e-services. Here we discuss the problem why some factors such as “pressure from the EU”, ineffectiveness of single “good practices” and several successful projects do not create comprehensive institutional culture of e-governance. In this context it is approached to e-government as to a new technological civic environment with parameters of normal public environment. Аnswers to the following questions are proposed, i.e. what are the differences between cultural barriers and obstacles, how the professional mindset of the administrator confronts e-governance, and are there any traits of national culture, which could be a barrier to e-governance in the country.
Keywords: e-governance, cultural barriers, cultural differences, e-citizenship, deficiency of political culture, professional competency, stakeholder approach to e-governance.
Rhetoric and Communications Е-Journal, Issue 11, January 2014, http://rhetoric.bg/, ISSN 1314-4464