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Impact of the limited non-verbal communication on the leadership in virtual teams

Semiotics, Visualization and Virtualization

– DOI 10.55206/KDEW3097

Iliya Lindov

Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”


Abstract: The study examines the impact of digitalization on leadership styles and communication within virtual teams. It focuses on international telecommunications and financial technology companies. Data collected from twelve teams with 96 respondents across three companies indicate significant shifts in leadership dynamics, particularly due to the limitations of nonverbal communication in remote settings. Results show that digital environments demand a more formalized and task-oriented approach to communication, diminishing the potential for emotional connection and trust-building, typically achieved through face-to-face interactions. Leaders are now perceived less as charismatic figures and more as effective organizers and decision-makers who rely on clear and concise communication. Additionally, the findings reveal that successful digital leaders often employ tools like video calls and emojis to partially restore nonverbal cues, aiming to maintain team cohesion and engagement. This study highlights the evolving nature of leadership in the digital era, emphasizing the need for new strategies to bridge the gap created by reduced interpersonal interactions.

Keywords: digital leadership, digital communication, digitalization, leadership styles, nonverbal communication, virtual teams

Rhetoric and Communications Journal, issue 62, January 2025

Read the Original in Bulgarian

Corporate Communication, Corporate Governance and the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive of the European Union

Communication in International Institutions and Corporations

 – DOI 10.55206/PINQ4392

Georgi Tonev

University of National and World Economy


Abstract: Corporate governance pertains to the underlying mechanisms, procedures, and concepts that govern the direction and management of corporations. The concept encompasses a complex interaction between the company’s executives, its board of directors, shareholders, and other interested parties. The fundamental tenets of corporate governance, including accountability, openness, fairness, and responsibility, constitute the foundation for establishing governance structures that foster ethical decision-making, manage risks, and improve business performance. The first aim is to explore the complex and diverse aspects of corporate governance by examining its theoretical underpinnings and assessing their practical significance in modern company operations. The second aim is to fill this vacuum by analyzing the several theoretical views that form the foundation of corporate governance, such as agency theory, stakeholder theory, stewardship theory, transaction cost economics, and resource dependence theory. Each of these theories provides unique perspectives on the motives, behaviors, and interactions of the many stakeholders in corporate governance.

Keywords: corporate communication, corporate governance, corporate suitability, European Union.

Rhetoric and Communications Journal, issue 62, January 2025

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The Main Experiences of EU Education Poverty Alleviation Policies and Its Lessons for China

Communication in International Institutions and Corporations

 DOI 10.55206/JDRM5137

Wang Rui

South-West University, Bulgaria


Abstract: Poverty is a thorny issue within countries and a common problem worldwide. Addressing, reducing, and even eliminating poverty presents a significant challenge for humanity. Escaping poverty is crucial to individual development and social progress, where education plays an irreplaceable role. Education plays a crucial role in the growth of individuals, the progress of society and the development of the country. This paper outlines the main experiences of the European Union’s poverty alleviation policy in education and draws on its experience to provide insights for the formulation of China’s poverty alleviation policy in education. The article analyses European Commission and European Union documents on poverty reduction and education. The methods of desk research and analysis and synthesis are used. The conclusions are based on an interpretation of concepts and programs, platforms and practices. The conclusions are based on the presentation of good practices and possible perspectives for the optimization of processes concerning education and poverty alleviation, which are socially relevant topics in our time.

Keywords: European Union, education, poverty alleviation policy, inspiration for China.

Rhetoric and Communications Journal, issue 62, January 2025

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Cultural Sensitivity Training for Bulgarian Teachers: Results from an Observation Experiment

Hristina Sokolova

University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev”, Faculty of Business and Management


Abstract: The articles presents training methods and results from an observation experiment in cultural sensitivity training of 39 Bulgarian teachers from a multi-ethnic secondary school in Vetovo, Ruse region. School children belong to 5 ethnic groups: Bulgarians, Bulgarian Christian Roma, Bulgarian Muslim Roma, Bulgarian Turks and Gagauz. The teachers were trained for 3 days in developing their cultural sensitivity, digital literacy and pedagogical competence. They were trained by 4 university professors and were divided into 4 groups of 10 people each, where each group had to switch training to go through all modules. The author’s module included developing cultural sensitivity among teachers of all ages. The training included 6 tasks employing the following pedagogical methods: role play, discussion, feedback and group work. The following skills were developed: team work, creative thinking, conflict reconciliation, negotiation skills, adaptability, cultural intelligence, cultural self-awareness. Teachers shared in the course briefing that they felt it was difficult to adapt and use newly developed cultural sensitivity skills in the classroom because of the bureaucratic requirements in their daily work routine. They also expressed concern about the cultural distance between them and their pupils, which could become an obstacle to applying the newly learned skills in the classroom.

Key words: cultural sensitivity, multicultural education, digital literacy, pedagogical competence, cultural intelligence.

Rhetoric and Communications Journal, issue 52, July 2022

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Virtual Matriarchy: Online Communities of Bulgarian Women

Eli Alexandrova


Abstract: The paper presents the results of a study on user-generated content in groups of Bulgarian mothers on the social media Facebook. Concepts of the characteristics of a hypothetical social system of matriarchy are examined in order to trace their applicability to the studied virtual environment. The transition from the BG-Mamma forum platform to Facebook groups as the preferred environment for interaction between mothers who dominate the Bulgarian online parental communities is analysed. The specifics of online communities are considered. The study identifies thematic categories of the publications in the studied groups and reaches its conclusions through the analysis of quantitative and qualitative indicators. It outlines the emerging trends in the contemporary social roles of Bulgarian women, without neglecting the limitation of the possible distinction between online identity and its offline characteristics. The theme of otherness is explored in the Bulgarian social and cultural context through an analysis of its manifestations in virtual space. The novelty in the study of otherness is also at the level of the role of Bulgarian mothers as parents and as participants in virtual groups, in which they present the topics of motherhood, fatherhood, health and upbringing of children. Otherness manifests itself at the verbal and visual level when presenting information and at the level of arguments when presenting positions and theses on these topics.

Keywords: matriarchy, social media, online communities, groups of mothers on social media, female social roles.

Rhetoric and Communications Journal, issue 50, January 2022

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Issue 49

Rhetoric and Communications, issue 49, October 2021

Rhetoric, Argumentation, Communication in 21st Century


Assoc. Prof. Stefan Serezliev

University of Veliko Tarnovo “St. Cyril and Methodius”, Email:

Fotini Egglezou, PhD

Hellenic Institute of Rhetorical and Communication Studies (IRESE in Greek), Greece E-mail:,

Todor S. Simeonov

Institute of Rhetoric and Communications, E-mail:

Editors’ Words

Rhetoric and Argumentation

The Rhetoric of the Teacher’s AuthorityJanja Žmavc

The Reinvention of Rhetoric and its Fundamental Role in Political Discourse Analysis Henrique Dores

Features of Argumentation in Political Rhetoric during the Civil Dissatisfaction in Bulgaria in 2020 Gabriela Mihailova

Communications in the 21st century

The Hidden Opportunities of University Podcasts in Bulgaria and EuropeIlija Valkov, Georgi Minev, Antonina Lozanova

The Role of Intelligent Technologies in Communications – Manuela Toteva

Corporate Communication and Corporate Social Responsibilities in COVID-19 Pandemic Kremena Georgieva

Specifics of Digital Public Diplomacy Kalin Kalinov

Doctoral Debuts

Topics and Microthemes in Bulgarian and English Humourous Wordplays Tanya Borisova

Book Review

Book Review – “Judicial Argumentation” by Marietta Boteva – Ivanka Mavrodieva

Book Review – “Mediation and Nonverbal Communication” by Desislava KamenovaTsvetan Davidkov


Discussions Regarding Health Topics on the Internet – Conversational Medicine

Internet (and Virtual) Communication

 Daniela Tancheva

Medical University ,,Prof. Dr. P. Stoyanov“ – Varna

Abstract: This paper examines the communication between non-specialists discussing health topics in online groups and forums. The main focus is on the manifestation of colloquial oral speech in combination with scientific topics and the use of terminology. The specifics of internet discussions about health as a part of computer-mediated communication (CMC) are examined. The motivation behind users’ decision to search for medical information online as well as the increasing interest in alternative treatments and the trend for self-healing are observed. The analysis demonstrates that online discussions about health have formed a specific socio-cultural environment in which users’ written language mirrors the spoken language used in their daily lives. It is found that users have mastered elements of the theoretical apparatus of their diseases and medical terminology seems increasingly familiar to them. The excessive amount of conversations about health on the web is a sign of the growing need for people to be informed and to be able to knowledgeably manage their own health, however, it also raises the question of the problematic communication between patients and doctors/medical specialists.

Keywords: health discussions, medical terminology, colloquial speech, internet/online communication.

Rhetoric and Communications Journal, issue 47, April 2021

Read the Original in Bulgarian