Issue 48

Issue 48, July 2021, Rhetoric and Communications Journal

Public Communication, Political Communication, Rhetoric

Editors’ Words

Prof. Marieta Boteva, D.Sc. – „St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo” E-mail:

Prof. Daniela Frumusani, PhDUniversity of Bucharest  E-mail:

Georgi Petkov, PhDInstitute of Rhetoric and Communications  E-mail:

Rhetoric and Political Communication

Emotions in Rhetoric. From Technical to Generalized PathosCarsten Madsen and Marie Lund

Rhetorical Analysis: The Example of Obama’s Speech at Stavros Niarchos Foundation [SNFCC] Magdalini Lamprogeorgou

Political Communication and Rhetoric

A Political Communication Model of the Inaugural Address Speech of President-Elect Joseph R. Biden – Maya Vassileva

Virtual Political Communication in the Election Campaign for the 45th National Assembly in Bulgaria  Iglika Kassabova

Public Communication and COVID-19

Features of Public Communication in relation to COVID-19   – Mila Serafimova

On the fear of type II error – Kaloyan Haralampiev

Public Communication, Digitalisation and Visualisation

Political Message Delivery and Digitalisation: New Manifestations and Features Boris Stoyanov

Public and Intercultural Communication: Visual and Multimodal Manifestations Erik Hemming

Book Review

“The New Communication Professions. Journalism. Public Relations. Advertising. A Guide to Digital Content Creation” Desislava Antova

Call for Papers and Scientific Conference

Call for Papers issue 50, January 2022 – Rhetoric of Otherness – IOW – Paola Giorgi and Andrea Valente

Call for Papers 6th ESTIDIA Conference: Dialogue-shared Experiences across Space and Time: Cross-linguistic and Cross-cultural Practices, 15-17 June, 2022, University of Alicante, Spain


Issue 48 of Rhetoric and Communication Journal is devoted to two thematic areas that have intersections and they continue to be relevant. The authors of the articles are renowned scholars, researchers, PhD students from universities and educational institutions of 4 countries: Denmark, Finland, Greece, Bulgaria. They present results of studies on a wide range of topics:

  • from the rhetorical heritage in particular a pathos to presidential rhetoric;

  • from official statements during swearing in ceremonies to public speaking speeches in virtual elective campaigns;

  • from differences in communication to decision-making at different levels in a crisis situation and the COVID-19 pandemic;

  • from political discourse and its intersections with digitalization to intercultural differences and multimodality.

The researchers use a variety of methods and the papers contribute towards presenting and sharing research methods and methodologies.

The articles written by Casten Madsen and Marie Lund outlines the theoretical frameworks of rhetoric and with one of the main rhetorical canons pathos in a new context related to emotions; the scope is broad from general concepts and generalization to techniques. Magdalini Lamprogeorgou analyses speeches by the American President Barack Obama using an interesting research design that is a basis for future research by students as well.

Maya Vassileva studies the inauguration speech of the current the American President Joe Biden from 2021 and she outlines the field for new research, extending it to the study of their influence towards a model of political speech, using the methods of discourse analysis and rhetorical analysis.

Iglika Kassabova analyses virtual political communication in one specific context in Bulgaria, namely the election campaign for the 45th National Assembly held on 4 April 2021, and the author present an attempt of a multifactorial analysis.

Two of the papers present the results of analyses in which the pandemic crisis is explored through different methods.

Kaloyan Haralampiev examines the decisions of ruling politicians on two topics: the first is the imposition of strict anti-epidemic measures and the second is vaccination; the text shows that the leading issue is who is responsible for human health and human life.

Mila Serafimova, through an in-depth review, presents features of public communication in the context of the pandemic and she focuses on how effective communication strategies can be devised in a global communication situation such as COVID-19.

Messages in political discourse and communication are studied by the PhD student Boris Stoyanov, as he looks for their intersections with digitalization and considers their impact in different contexts.

Erik Hemming shares best practices from the training in looking for intersections between visual communication, intercultural differences, intercultural communicative competence, and multimodal manifestations.

Desislava Antova presents the book “The New Communication Professions. Journalism. Public Relations. Advertising. A Guide to Digital Content Creation”, oriented towards bringing out the novelties in various fields of communication.

Two calls for papers are included in the issue.

The first one is a continuation of the tradition of the journal’s research team and the Editorial team of the In Other Words project of articles for a special issue, 50, January 2022, on The Rhetoric of Otherness.

The second one: the European Society for Transcultural and Interdisciplinary Dialogue (ESTIDIA) presents CFP: 6th ESTIDIA Conference: Dialogue-shared Experience across Space and Time: Cross-linguistic and Cross-cultural Practices, 15-17 June, 2022, University of Alicante, Spain.

ssue 48 of the Rhetoric and Communications Journal (July 2021) is published with the financial support of the Scientific Research Fund, Contract No. KP-06-NP2/41 of December 07, 2020.

Rhetoric and Communications Journal, issue 48, July 2021

Read the Original in Bulgarian and English