Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 8, April 2013, http://rhetoric.bg/, ISSN 1314-4464
Education and Communication
Editor’s Notes
Silvia Tsvetanska and Yanka Totseva
Education, Management and Communication
Doncho Hrusanov – Communication with Administration (Principal Positions)
Bogidar Angelov – Communication, Language, Arts and Education in the Academic Degree Program “Pedagogy of Mass and Artistic Communication”
Yoana Yankulova, Donka Petrova – The Transition from Quantitative to Qualitative Research of Learning in the Educational Settings
Julieta Savova – Reflection on a Small Intersection of the Bulgarian Educational Road Today” (Vision about Teaching and Communication, School Models)
Communication in Schools
Bistra Mizova and Silvia Tsvetanska – Research Approaches to Social and Communicative Competence among Educational Specialists
Nina Gerdzhikova – Communication in the Iinstruction from the Point of View of the Interdisciplinary Research
Lugovchova Elena, Krasnova Elena – Multicultural competence of the teacher: an unnecessary luxury, or an urgent need?
Petrana Stoykova – Teacher’s Role in the “Knowledge society”
Kalina Iocheva – The Self-Presentation of the Students in Primary School
Education and languages Образование и езици
Maya Pencheva – Windows on Language Evolution
Nadežda Stojković – English for Science and Technology Courses at the University of Niš, Serbia
Nikolina Tzvetkova – On Intercultural Communicative Competence and Foreign Language Education
Milka Hadjikoteva – А Methodological Model of Developing Metaphoric Competence in EFL
Journalism and Advertising Education
Katya Moshaylova – Social Responsibility of Journalism and Media Education: Values, Interests and Pragmatism
Stefan Serezliev – Advertising Education: in the Rhetoric Spotlights – Ab initio nullum, semper nullum
Education, libraries and communication Образование, библиотеки, комуникации
Anna Angelova – The Library of Sofia University with New Appearance
Elena Koycheva – Online Communication in Science. Web Methodology for a Research into the Publication and Citation activity of Authors and Institutions (following the example of the Library at the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridsky”)
Good Practices
National Management School – how to establish and improve soft skills
Book Reviews
P. R. Ivanov – “Cognitive Psychology” (2012). Reviewer Todor Shopov
The Science of Knowledge (Review of the book “Main topics in Cognitive Psychology” by P.R. Ivanov, 2012, Plovdiv University press “Paisii Hilendarski”) by Prof. Todor Shopov
Roumiana Peytcheva-Forsyth “State of the Integration of ICT in Bulgarian Secondary School – the Perspective of the Researcher”
Reviewer assoc. prof. Yanka Totseva
About the Contributors