– The manuscript should present significant research results in the areas that are defined by the journal’s publishing policy as stated in the websites.
– The manuscript should make a theoretical or applied contribution to scientific fields as specified in the journal’s websites. The manuscript includes reliable information that has been collected by the author in a scientifically correct manner. The manuscript should include technical and technological parameters and software programs presented and described that clearly reference the research instrumentation.
– The manuscript should present actual results of a scientific study, include an outline of the subject areas studied, present the subject by introducing limitations and by presenting the scope of the study in thematic, temporal, geographical, historical boundaries. The manuscript should include a rationale for the choice of the research object, thematic fields and constructs from a research perspective.
– Iinterpretations and clarification from a scientific perspective of scientific and other sources cited in an article are the sole responsibility of the author(s).
– Plagiarism in whole or in part from other scholarly publications or self-plagiarism from scholarly texts already published by the author are not acceptable.
– The manuscript must be written in scientific style and the basic rules of grammar, spelling and punctuation in Bulgarian and/or English must be observed.
– Citations, references and quotations to scientific and other sources must be correct and according to established standards, citing primary and secondary sources. The author shall indicate if translations of parts of scientific texts, legal and administrative documents, definitions, tables, diagrams, charts, etc., have been made by the author.