Issue 13

Issue 13, 2014

Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 13, July 2014,, ISSN 1314-4464


This issue includes articles on the topics Rhetoric, Public Relation, and Media


Editor’s Notes

Ivanka Mavrodieva, Tolya Stoichova, Plamen Pavlov


Rhetoric and Ethic

Michael Lane Bruner – Critical Rhetoric and the Analysis of Unintentional Persuasion 

Mina Ivanova – Nostalgia as Political Emotion and the Discursive Production of Passive Collective Subjectivity: A Critical Rhetorical Analysis of the Bulgarian Museum of Socialist Art

Silvia Mineva – Еthical Dilemma: Between the Language of Values and the Value of Recourses

Metodiy Rozhdestvenskiy– The Ad Auctoritatem Argument in a Rhetorical Perspective: Towards a Systematic Study

Public Relations 

Kremena Georgieva – Peculiarities of PR technique in WEB 2.0. Interactive model of PR communication

Anelia Yaneva – Determination of the potential ability of ecological public administration in Bulgaria to build the image of the new global eco person

Stefan Serezliev – Brand vs/via Terrorism: Let’s talk in future tense

Vesselina Lyubenova – PR and communication features of the protests in February and March 2013 in Bulgaria or symbiosis-protest process

Media, Advertisment and Language  Vladimir Dosev – Social, cognitive, and discursive characteristics of media manipulation 

Good Practices

Read the original of the text (in Bulgarian)


Book Review

Leo A. Groarke, Christopher W. Tindalе, “Good Reasoning Matters! A Cognitive Approach to Critical Thinking”

Journals Review

„Cross-cultural Studies and Environmental Communication” and ESTIDIA conference, Bari, Italy – 3-5 October 2014

US-China Foreign Language and Sino-US English Teaching