Requirements for the Structure of a Manuscript

For a mamanuscript in Bulgarian

Each element of the structure of the manuscript is written on a new line.

– Title – up to 10 words. The title should correspond to the journal’s subject matter and be related to research in the fields of rhetoric, argumentation, business communication, public communication, intercultural communication, academic communication, media communication, advertising communication, Internet communication, pedagogical communication, linguistics, etc. Size of the letters in the title should be 16 pt and the words in the title should be in bold.

– Author’s first and last name. Size 12 pt, bold.

– Academic or institutional affiliation, with the name of the university, research center, laboratory, or scientific institution. Size 11 pt.

– Email address. Size 11 pt.

– Abstract in Bulgarian – 150-200 words. Size 11 pt.

– Keywords in Bulgarian – between 6 and 8. Size 11 pt.

– Title to be translated into English. Letter size in the title 16 pt and in bold.

– First name, surname – to be in Latin. Size 12 pt bold.

– University, research center, laboratory, or institution, institutional affiliation should follow the name. Size 11pt.

– Email address. Size 11 pt.

– English abstract: – 150 to 200 words. Size 11 pt.

– Keywords in English – between 6 and 8. Size 11 pt.

Information about the author(s) (author biography) (up to 50 words) should be provided at the end of the article and should include academic position, research degree, research interests, etc. Size 11 pt.

Main part – sample structure:


– Presentation of a scientific problem and arguments on: topicality, significance, practical applicability, theoretical dimensions.

– Purpose of the study.

– Research objectives.

– Hypothesis.

Main part:

– Theoretical review and analysis of research and publications on the scientific problem.

– Introduction and presentation of the scientific problem, research questions solved and not solved in previous publications, terminology, new terms, new aspects, etc.

– Research methods – methodology – methodological framework. Present information on the methodology used and provide a rationale for the choice, or give an overview of previous research that has used these methods. If approaches and methods are adapted to the specific study, the scientific publications in which they have been used are reported.


If an interdisciplinary approach is used, correct information is derived as to what it consists of.

– Study Design. Describe the stages and steps in accordance with scientific standards.

– Analyses of the results of the study.

– Possible discussion questions.

– Conclusions and implications.

– Citations and notes (References) in APA style in square brackets following the text.

– Bibliography is arranged in strict alphabetical order according to APA style. If the text is in Bulgarian, Cyrillic first for sources, then Latin.

– Appendices.

– Information relating to acknowledgements of financial support or information that the article is being published as part of a research project. These include the name/title, project number and date, and they should appear after the conclusion before the references in the text of the manuscript.

Information in relation to research and other projects carried out by the publisher is written at the end of the manuscript.

Information on submission, reviewing and acceptance of the manuscript for publication in Rhetoric and Communications Journal is included by the Editorial Board after the bibliography.

Information about the journal’s project funding is included by the Editorial Board after the bibliography.