Rhetoric and Communications Journal, Issue 45, October 2020
Pedagogical and Academic Communication
Academic Dialogue and Cross-cultural Perspectives
Mending the Gap between the ‘Two Cultures’ through Intercultural Rhetoric – Adrea Valente
Academic Communication, Education and Social Status: The Case of South Korea – Lyudmila Atanasova
Features of the Educational Migration of Indian Students – Aigul Abdumutalipovna Abzhapparova
Best Practices for Incorporating Race into the Communication Classroom – Nick J. Sciullo
А teaching methodology based on developing of university lecturers’ professional voice qualities – Veselina Raeva
Training juridical orators – traditions and innovations – Marieta Boteva
Communication at Universities, Teaching and Research Methods
А teaching methodology based on developing of university lecturers’ professional voice qualities – Veselina Raeva
Academic Activities and Communication of ARS Political Science Workshop – Maya Ruseva
Advantages and disadvantages of quantitative and qualitative methods used in social sciences – Ivan Angelov
Research Project
IOW. A Contextualized Dictionary to Problematize Otherness – Paola Giorgis
Book Reviews
Представяне на книгата „Английски език за комуникация в институциите на Европейския съюз. Теоретико-приложни аспекти“ – Иванка Мавродиева
Представяне на книгата „Изследвания върху културите. Културни ориентири на управлението“ – Янка Тоцева
Call for Papers – issue 46, January 2020
Call for Papers – 8th International Conference of Rhetorical Society of Europe
Call for Papers (Special Issue) Discourse and Rhetoric amid COVID 19 Pandemic:
Issue 45 of the Rhetoric and Communications Journal (October 2020) is published with the financial support of the Scientific Research Fund, Contract No. KP-06-NP1/39 of December 18, 2019.
Издателско каре
Брой 45, октомври 2020 година,
Сп. „Реторика и комуникации“ / Rhetoric and Communications Journal
Сп. „Реторика и комуникации“
Главен редактор: проф. дн Иванка Мавродиева
Издател: Институт по реторика и комуникации
ISSN 1314-4464
Сайт на български език: http://rhetoric.bg/
Сайт на английски език: http://journal.rhetoric.bg/
Имейли: editors@rhetoric.bg , info@rhetoric.bg, journal.rhetoric.bg@gmail.com
Коректор на български език: Надя Калъчева
Коректор и редактор на английски език: Дара Цветкова
Предпечат: Пламен Иванов