Issue 45, October 2020

Rhetoric and Communications Journal, Issue 45, October 2020

Pedagogical and Academic Communication

Editors’ Words

Academic Dialogue and Cross-cultural Perspectives

Mending the Gap between the ‘Two Cultures’ through Intercultural Rhetoric – Adrea Valente

Academic Communication, Education and Social Status: The Case of South Korea – Lyudmila Atanasova

Features of the Educational Migration of Indian Students – Aigul Abdumutalipovna Abzhapparova

Pedagogical Communication

Best Practices for Incorporating Race into the Communication Classroom – Nick J. Sciullo

А teaching methodology based on developing of university lecturers’ professional voice qualities  – Veselina Raeva

Training juridical orators – traditions and innovationsMarieta Boteva

Communication at Universities, Teaching and Research Methods

А teaching methodology based on developing of university lecturers’ professional voice qualitiesVeselina Raeva

Academic Activities and Communication of ARS Political Science WorkshopMaya Ruseva

Advantages and disadvantages of quantitative and qualitative methods used in social sciencesIvan Angelov

Research Project

IOW. A Contextualized Dictionary to Problematize Otherness – Paola Giorgis

Book Reviews

Представяне на книгата „Английски език за комуникация в институциите на Европейския съюз. Теоретико-приложни аспекти“ – Иванка Мавродиева

Представяне на книгата „Изследвания върху културите. Културни ориентири на управлението“ – Янка Тоцева

Call for Papers – issue 46, January 2020

Call for Papers – 8th International Conference of Rhetorical Society of Europe

 Call for Papers (Special Issue) Discourse and Rhetoric amid COVID 19 Pandemic:


Issue 45 of the Rhetoric and Communications Journal (October 2020) is published with the financial support of the Scientific Research Fund, Contract No. KP-06-NP1/39 of December 18, 2019.

Издателско каре

Брой 45, октомври 2020 година,

Сп. „Реторика и комуникации“ / Rhetoric and Communications Journal

Сп. „Реторика и комуникации“

Главен редактор: проф. дн Иванка Мавродиева

Издател: Институт по реторика и комуникации

ISSN 1314-4464

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Коректор на български език: Надя Калъчева

Коректор и редактор на английски език: Дара Цветкова

Предпечат: Пламен Иванов