Issue 27

Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 27, March 2017

Special Issue

Editor’s words

Issue 27, March 2017, Rhetoric and Communications E-journal

Issue 27 includes articles in English.

The article “Considerations on the Significance of the Net and the Netizen” (written by Ronda Hauben) researches the role of netizens as a new social force. The author analyses the situation in South Korea and the blog posts are re-published with Ronda Hauben’s permission in issue 27.

Galina Rousseva-Sokolova in her article “Europe, seen from India” concludes that “…suggestions are made on how to reverse the mirror: how the Indian experience can be profitable to Europe and what Europe would be wise to look for when looking at India”.

Gilles Rouet in his article “Boundaries and identities” looks into the issue of boundaries in a historical and a contemporary perspective and examines how borders, gates and walls influence the formation of identities in a European context.

The main rubric of the issue includes 9 essays written by students from 4 universities.

Maria Stoicheva (Jean Monnet Chair) presents the results of the research, educational process and joint work in the introduction “Political, cultural and linguistic challenges of European identity”.

The 4th ESTUDIA conference “Dialogues without Borders: Strategies of Interpersonal and Inter-group Communication (29-30 September 2017, Sofia University, Bulgaria) is announced in the issue too.

Editors: Prof. PhD Maria Stoicheva, Prof. Doc. Hab. Ivanka Mavrodieva, Assist. Prof. PhD Nikolina Tsvetkova.

Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 27, March 2017,,, ISSN 1314-4464

Read the original of the text (in English)

Communication, Internet Communication and Netizens

Ronda Hauben – Considerations on the Significance of the Net and the Netizens

Ronda Hauben – Ban Ki-moon’s Idea of Leadership or the Candlelight Model for More Democracy?

European Identity: Articles and Essays


Maria Stoicheva – Political, Cultural and Linguistic challenges of European Identity


Gilles Rouet – Boundaries and Identities

Galina Rousseva-Sokolova – Europe, Seen from India


Robin Laurène – Identity-proof Mobility. Reflection on Identity Change in the Context of Erasmus Mobility

Georgi Dragomanov – The (lack of) Participation in the European Elections of 2014 in Bulgaria – a Matter of Inherent Political Culture or a Systematic Failure?

Franzi Prost – European Identitiy: Analyzing European Identity and Commenting on Habermas’ Paper “Why Europe Needs a Constitution”

Louise Toulotte – European Identity. Independence and Globalization

Maximilian L. Berkenheide – The Concept of European Identity in: “February 15, or What Binds Europeans Together: A Plea for a Common Foreign Policy, Beginning in the Core of Europe” by Jürgen Habermas and Jacques Derrida

Iveta Trifonova – Spanish Identity: the Catalan Case of Personal Identification

Marta Siurek – Global, National and Ehnic Identities. European Identity – an Empty Concept or a Possible Dream?

Ralena Gerasimova – Religious Identity in Bulgaria during the Communist Regime. The Case of Orthodox Christianity and Islam

Anna Angelova – Looking into Bulgaria from the Uutside: the So-called “Stereotypes”. Can We Trust Them?

Scientific events

4th ESTIDIA Conference “Dialogues without Borders: Strategies of Interpersonal and Inter-group Communication”, 29-30 September 2017


Rhetoric and Communications Journal, Issue 37, March 2017,,, ISSN 1314-4464

Read the original of the text (in English)

Сп. „Реторика и комуникации“, брой 27, март 2017 г.,

Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 27, March 2017,

Jean Monnet, Supporting Studies on European Integration

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.