Category Archives: September 2017 Issue 30

Communications and Propaganda in Regard with TSI

Maria Todorova

Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohrdiski”

Abstract: The present analysis aims at identifying a particular case (the propaganda) in the context of a particular communication subject. The analysis includes presenting of the etymology and classic methods of propaganda. The TSI which incorporates the intensification in the economic partnership between twelve CEE countries with access to Baltic, Adriatic and Black seas presumably has the potential to be among energy diplomacy milestones in particular. The objective assessment of the messages by which authors and supporters of the concept are projecting its impact on end addressee should be grounded on several key components. The analysis includes the choice of a venue, communication channels, object and objectives of the communication processes. The study of the communication tools which are hypothetically applicable for the purposes of TSI should identify, summarize and highlight the communication of: an issue (“energy dependence”) and a solution (“diversification of the energy infrastructure through alternative channels”). The survey aims at suggesting in a summary particular conclusions and prognoses in regard with the adoption of specific communication tools about TSI.

Keywords: propaganda, communications, Three Sea Initiative, power sources, communication components, energy diplomacy.

Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 30, September 2017,,, ISSN 1314-4464

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Argumentative Value of Personal Story in Public Relations

Nadezhda Vaneva

Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohrdiski”
Abstract: The current study is devoted to the opportunities of narrative in public communications and the persuasive functions that a personal story possesses in building of communication campaigns and establishing powerful connections and trust relations with our audiences. Using basic terminological concepts concerning the different types of rhetorical arguments, the author makes an attempt to provide answers to current issues with respect to the necessity and benefit of using personal stories in public relations and the interaction between organasations and their audiences.

Key words: narrative, communication, public relations, brand, rhetoric, argument.

Неда Ванева – Аргументативна стойност на личната история в пъблик рилейшънс

Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 30, September 2017,,, ISSN 1314-4464

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The Problem as an Ontological Aspect of Philosophical Counseling

Daniel Alexandrov

Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohrdiski”
Abstract: The text studies how the practice of philosophical counseling (counselling, consulting), which began with Gerd Achenbach in 1981, works with problems. The first key part of the text looks at the history and development of the practice, as well as some basic understandings of what philosophical counseling is by considering different ways of practicing it. The second key part examines problem counseling with the client-visitor, and it presents the central thesis of the text. In both key parts, the author’s own ideas are presented, as results from the study of the literature. In the first part, an idea like that is the discerning of two distinct conceptions: elements and aspects. The elements and the aspects are further discerned from the philosophical concept of the practice. They are those conceptions, categories, and ideas, which define the different ways of practicing philosophical counseling, without them being thought of as final and ultimate to the practice. The elements and the aspects can be philosophical when they instrumentalise the philosophical concept of the practice. The study of problem counseling in the second part follows from the mentioned distinctions and ideas. While examining problem counseling, a discerning between the problem as an element and the problem as an aspect is made. An example for the first case is the problem as a goal of philosophical counseling, which defines the way of counseling, as well as the type of problem it’s going to work with: a life-problem or a professional problem. In the second case the problem undergoes specific methodological transformations, examples for which are: solution-orientated or open-ended methods and approaches. The central thesis of the text is that the problem is a (philosophical) aspect of philosophical counseling, behind which saying stands the understanding that problem counseling – besides other aspects of the practice – is not essential to the philosophical concept, but is rather one of the many ways for practicing philosophical counseling.

Keywords: philosophical counseling, philosophical consulting, philosophical practice, practical philosophy, applied philosophy, consulting, counseling, problem, problem solving.

Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 30, September 2017,,, ISSN 1314-4464

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Rhetorical Analysis of Academic Communication in Coursera

Melani Yordanova

Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohrdiski”
Abstract: The article presents the results of an analysis of video lectures in Coursera from rhetorical standpoint. The analysis is focused on clarifying the application of the five rhetorical canons: Inventio; Dispositio; Elocutio; Memoria; Actio in the context of virtual academic communication in Coursera.

Keywords: Coursera, academic communication, virtual rhetoric, visual rhetoric, rhetorical analysis, rhetorical canons.

Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 30, September 2017,,, ISSN 1314-4464

Read the original of the text (in Bulgarian)

Positive Communication as a Basis for Creating Effective Public Policy in a Touristic Service Activity

Daniela Koteska Lozanoska

University “St. Kliment Ohridski” – Bitola, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality – Ohrid, R. Macedonia


Abstract: The process of policy making is directly affected by the public and proclaimed public opinion. In fact, public opinion largely has or should have influence on the creation of public policies. In this paper, the main subject is the essence of the idea of the impact and role of positive communication in the creation of efficient and effective public policies. For this purpose, empirical research is conducted within the airport “ St.Paul the Apostle” in Ohrid, The Republic of Macedonia, in order to see the satisfaction of passengers that conducted services in the realized flights. More specifically, the survey was conducted on a group of participants who use flights from Basel and Zurich. Moreover, the following hypothesis is demonstrated as positive “The more careful is the reference to the positive communication when using air services, the more can be expected positive effect on client acceptance of the public policy manifested by the airline company.”

Keywords: public policy, public, air company services, communication.

Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 30, September 2017,,, ISSN 1314-4464

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Philanthropic PR in Security and Defense Field

Elitsa Nikolova

Military Academu “G. S. Rakovski”

Abstract: The article focuses on interdisciplinary review and analysis of philanthropic PR in security and defense area. The scope refers to the Bulgarian armed forces. SWOT-analysis of philanthropic PR in security and defense area has been made. The text also discusses advantages and specifics concerning security and defense field. Moreover, original slogans coined by the author on philanthropic PR campaigns are highlighted and illustrated. Perspectives concerning the future development of philanthropic PR in security and defense area are generalized for the first time.

Keywords: philanthropic PR; security and defense; strategic corporate social responsibility; shared value; slogans; perspectives.

Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 30, September 2017,,, ISSN 1314-4464

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Generalization as Мanipulative Тechnique in Тelevision Communication

Anelia Popova

University of National and World Economy

Abstract: The manipulation of human consciousness is one of the essential, fundamental issues not only in modern journalism but also in all spheres of life. From how messages are received and how we interpret them, the individual steps and our decisions depend to a large extent. One of the effective ways to manipulate people’s minds is through television. It is the television that has successfully formed but imposes patterns of behavior and convictions, which are often contrary to the common human norms and ideals; clichés and patterns that lead to the unification of thinking. One of the alternative TV examples of an effective manipulative approach is the so-called generalization or placement of many different situations, messages, facts or characters under one common denominator. The information space is constantly saturated with various types of manipulative techniques – whether it be different show programs, news feeds, serious analytical or documentary programs whose primary purpose is to control and model human thought and consciousness. The aim of the article is to highlight the practical parameters and dimensions of generalization, as well as an effective modern manipulative approach to modeling, controlling and subordinating human thinking and consciousness.

Keywords: manipulation, manipulative techniques, generalization, television, television communication, consciousness

Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 30, September 2017,,, ISSN 1314-4464

Read the original of the text (in Bulgarian)

Tzvetan Kulevski – ‘The Virtually’ at Aristotle: Retrospective Analysis

Abstract: The paper announces the results of retrospective analysis of basic rhetorical terms and in particular of the notion ‘virtual rhetoric’ in the context of the rhetorical heritage.

Keywords: Aristotle, rhetoric, virtual rhetoric, virtually.

Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 30, September 2017,,, ISSN 1314-4464

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Welfare and Material Well-being Perception among Bulgarians

Tolya Stoitsova

New Bulgarian University

Abstract: In the article, the problem of welfare and material well-being perception is discussed as a serious one in Bulgarian society today. Surprisingly, the problem is not in Bulgarian media agenda as opposed to the foreign mass media. This is our motivation to conduct social and psychological research applying self-prepared anonymous questionnaire that include opened and closed questions. The sample is random and in a way specific – people in it like to read books. Respondents are 201 in number. The principle of voluntary participation is applied.Results are eloquent. In summary, they approve out thesis for information absence concerning welfare and life standards of Bulgarians. That is the reason why our subjects have not an adequate idea about stratification of society into categories like “rich”, “poor” and “normally living” people. Two of our negative expectations are confirmed – existing of corruption and the big percentage of the so-called gray economics in our country. Positive is the result connected with the self-esteem of the respondents. Realists and optimists significantly exceeded the number of pessimists. The result that more of the respondents do not think about personal realization in other countries is also positive from a social point.

Key words: welfare, material well-being, corruption; gray economics, mass media problem rating.

Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 30, September 2017,,, ISSN 1314-4464

Read the original of the text (in Bulgarian)