Philanthropic PR in Security and Defense Field

Elitsa Nikolova

Military Academu “G. S. Rakovski”

Abstract: The article focuses on interdisciplinary review and analysis of philanthropic PR in security and defense area. The scope refers to the Bulgarian armed forces. SWOT-analysis of philanthropic PR in security and defense area has been made. The text also discusses advantages and specifics concerning security and defense field. Moreover, original slogans coined by the author on philanthropic PR campaigns are highlighted and illustrated. Perspectives concerning the future development of philanthropic PR in security and defense area are generalized for the first time.

Keywords: philanthropic PR; security and defense; strategic corporate social responsibility; shared value; slogans; perspectives.

Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 30, September 2017,,, ISSN 1314-4464

Read the original of the text (in Bulgarian)