Category Archives: April 2014 Issue 12

Lon Safko – „The Bible of Social Media. Tactics, Tools and Strategies for Business Success” Reviewer Silva Dimitrova

Lon Safko is a marketing consultant with more than twenty-five years of experience in speaking, marketing, sales, strategic partnering and e-commerce. He has founded fourteen successful companies, including Paper Models, Inc.;  holds three U.S. patents for 3D Internet advertising, has eighteen inventions in the Smithsonian Institution, and privately coaches companies on harnessing social media, marketing, and innovative thinking to create higher productivity and profits. Lon is an author of six innovative books, which have shown corporations how to train managers to think creatively. […]

Lon Safko helps people transfer trust online. The book presents all of the tools and techniques that social media has to offer while also discussing the reason these social tools are so effective. This is a collaborative effort by experts from around the world. More than a hundred people have directly participated in the creation of this text. Some by editing the grammar, some by creating original content, and some by adding their content to wikis, blogs, web pages, news articles, and some by editing the content with new technologies and a different perspective. The design of the book is also user generated. After surveying nearly thousand people, Lon Safko has summed up, what audiences wanted, namely three different books in one: Tactics, Tools, and Strategies for Business Success.


Rhetoric and Communications Е-Journal, Issue 12, April 2014,, ISSN 1314-4464,


Read the original of the review (in Bulgarian)

Luben Penkovski – Software Tools for Researchers or How to Organize Your Materials with Qiqqa, Zotero and Mendeley

Abstract:In recent years there has been rapid and thorough penetration of information technology (IT) in all spheres of public life. The paper aims to present the software products Qiqqa, Zotero and Mendeley as tools which support the research work and authors of scientific texts from different genres. Qiqqa, Zotero and Mendeley have been easily integrated with the most used programs to create content such as Microsoft Word and BibText / LaTeX.  The main features that Qiqqa, Zotero and Mendeley are presented briefly, the focus is on the utility and on the description how to start using the programs. The characteristics of Qiqqa, Zotero and Mendeley are described and the benefits of using the tools in research projects and in the process of writing scientific texts are presented too.

Keywords: Qiqqa, Zotero, Mendeley,scientific and research project, academic writing, scientific texts and genres.

Rhetoric and Communications Е-Journal, Issue 12, April 2014,, ISSN 1314-4464


Read the original of the article (in Bulgarian)

Yanica Dimitrova – Management of Organizational Identity through New Media Tools

Abstract: The article argues the importance of the new media / Web 2.0; Web 3.0 / for competent management of organizational identity. The problem addressed is significant because the dynamic conditions of the modern business environment, driven by the change of the nature of the organization, are achieved by the members of the company’s organizational identity. The organizational identity is a prerequisite for maintaining a positive corporate reputation, which is necessary for the successful development of the organization. Creating, managing and changing of the organizational identity, is run through organizational communication and management communication practices that increasingly emphasize the advantages of the new media. The article presents the characteristics of the new media and the opportunities offered to be applied successfully in the design and maintenance of the construct of organizational identity. The need in the process of construction and reconstruction of the organizational identity is to involve key stakeholders of the company – employees, customers,  groups of interests and representatives of top management who, through interactive communication, to form the main features of the construct. On the example of real Bulgarian companies submitted proposals for the management of organizational identity in the context of the issues considered in the article.

Keywords: organizational identity, organizational communication, management communication, new media, autocommunication, corporate reputation

Rhetoric and Communications Е-Journal, Issue 12, April 2014,, ISSN 1314-4464

Read the original of the article (in Bulgarian)

Rostislav Davidov – Social Networks as a Communication Tool with Internal and External Audiences in NGOs

Abstract: This article raises the question of the use of social networks in the NGO sector in the communication with internal and external audiences. What is covered, are the differences in communication possibilities offered by online environment and the real actions that are implemented by the management of NGOs. Concepts such as digital audience and NGOs are formulated. The focus is placed on certain aspects of the discussion mode through the creation of community groups and posting of comments on social platforms. A questionnaire method has been used. It aims to determine the general attitude, the attitude of NGOs’ teams towards social networks as well as their functional application in the sector.

Keywords: virtual rhetoric, social networks, online communication, digital audience, internet, eNGO.

Rhetoric and Communications Е-Journal, Issue 12, April 2014,, ISSN 1314-4464

Read the original of the article (in Bulgarian)

Dessislava Manova-Georgieva – Public Shaming of Individuals and Companies on Social Media

Dessislava Manova-Georgieva – Public Shaming of Individuals and Companies on Social MediaAbstract: The birth of interactive social platforms and the conditions for online, live dialogue with brands and institutions worldwide has made possible the appearance of a new social paradigm. Social media make possible the appearance of communication techniques which shorten the distance between institutions, public figures, brands and companies, and people. They are changing not only communication norms but the ways in which people interact.  The present research is based on three case studies of mistakes which need to be avoided when communicating via social media. The reason for analysing these is connected, on the one hand, to the presence of some most common mistakes made in the social media sphere and, on the other hand, to the enormous effect which such media have had on changing people’s perceptions and attitudes and on building corporate and institutional images. They also show how damaging an underestimation of the power of social media can be.  Nowadays public shaming of individuals, brands and institutions is much easier because of unrestricted access to the social media — the tribune for the public voice. The power of these new communication channels is undeniable but also uncontrollable and thus should be treated with caution. The three examples above clearly show the power of the social media and the effects of underestimating their possible impact upon the reputations of both brands and individuals.

Keywords: social media, public shaming, online communication techniques, online PR instruments, trust-building online.

Rhetoric and Communications Е-Journal, Issue 12, April 2014,, ISSN 1314-4464

Read the original of the article (in English)

Anna Valkanova – Corporate Brand and Online Communications – Possibilities and Trends (Apple’s Approach)

Abstract: This paper presents the results of а research focused on the role of online communication tools for building and developing corporate brands. The article identifies the possibilities of internet sites for integrated corporate communications and corporate brand positioning considering the two-way symmetric model. The specifics and trends in expressing the corporate brand through corporate story are outlined based on a case study of online communication approach of one of the leading world brands – Apple.

Keywords: corporate brand, online communication, corporate story, PR communications, integrated corporate communications, two-way symmetric communication.

Rhetoric and Communications Е-Journal, Issue 12, April 2014,, ISSN 1314-4464

Read the original of the article (in Bulgarian)

Plamen Pavlov – App generation – Generation of Mobile Programs

Abstract: After MTV generation, IPod and iPhone generation, after NET and Facebook generation here comes the brand new generation of those addicted to mobile apps. For 2013 Nielsen marked growth of iOS and Android apps over the ordinary WEB browsing. There is a new way of interacting with the Internet, new communication based over super mobility and hyper locality. There is new sociological, social and psychological behavior based on interaction with all pocket and bag carried smart devices that can be described as App Generation way of dealing with the technology and society.

Keywords:App generation, mobile apps, hyper locality.

Rhetoric and Communications Е-Journal, Issue 12, April 2014,, ISSN 1314-4464

Read the original of the article (in Bulgarian)

Gergana Apostolova – The Metaphors & the Web

Abstract: Even as broadly studied as they are in nature, form and structure, metaphors are inexhaustible routes for the transcendence of the cultures of humanity both diachronically and synchronically from the traditional world into the immense spaces of the WWW. In the present paper the metaphor is seen through the metaphor of e-kind as an extension of human existence into the virtual spaces created and supported by the WWW. The vehicle of the metaphorical display of the human world in the world of the e-message is the complex structure of verbal and non-verbal elements comprising the discourse of e-orality. The focus of the study is the transition of Bulgarian culture into a set of worlds that provide its further virtual existence.

Key words: metaphor, E-kind and E-culture, existential extensions, virtual space.

Rhetoric and Communications Е-Journal, Issue 12, April 2014,, ISSN 1314-4464

Read the original of the article (in Bulgarian)

Silva Dimitrova – Specificity of Virtual Visual Rhetoric in

Abstract: The articlepresents specific characteristics of virtual visual rhetoric in The subject of analysis is the presence of presentations in the virtual sphere and the role of the Internet as a public sphere in the distribution of those presentations. The method is based on visual rhetoric analysis presented in the book ‘Visual Language’. It includes 5 stages and the use of basic rhetoric terms. Firstly an analysis of a specific presentation has been made, namely Jill Bolte Taylor’s‘My Stroke of Insight’, and secondly an interpretation of the results follows. In the study a method is probated which could be used in future scientific analyses.

Keywords: visual rhetoric, virtual rhetoric,

Rhetoric and Communications Е-Journal, Issue 12, April 2014,, ISSN 1314-4464

Read the original of the article (in Bulgarian)

Nora Goloeshevska – (New) Visual rhetoric, New-Rhetoric and Visual Semiotic

Abstract: The article examines the Francophone paradigm in the visual communication studies, formulated in the second half of the last century in the texts of Roland Barthes, Jacques Durand, Jean -Marie Flush, Saint – Martin and the Group μ, defined as the “rhetoric of the image” and /or “visual rhetoric”. The proposed analysis aims to clarify the ways in which Liege’s theory of visual rhetoric provides a common methodological resource for interdisciplinary research carried out at the border between the theory of visual communication, semiotics and aesthetics, focusing on exclusive cultural anthropological relevance of the semiotic analysis of visual. The paper is particularly focused on the genesis of visual communication model proposed from the Paris semiotic school (“rhétorique de l’image”) and its transformation into the “visual semiotic” (“semiotique visuelle”) theory of the Liege School of neorhetoric. Differentiating the Neorhetoric of argumentation (la néo-rhétorique de l’argumentation) from the Neorhetoric of the figures (la néo-rhétorique des figures) the article exposes systematically the Liege theory of ‘visual sign’ – a core concept of the Belgian structuralist project for a new visual semiotics formulated over the past few decades.The paper’s objectivity is to demonstrate how within the Liege proposal semiotics and rhetoric are defined as a complementary key for the modern theory of communication research that directly affects processes of visual communication itself, as well as the social processes constructed through the visual.

Key words: visual rhetoric, visual sign, Neorhetoric of the figures, visual communication.

Rhetoric and Communications Е-Journal, Issue 12, April 2014,, ISSN 1314-4464


Read the original of the article (in Bulgarian)