Luben Penkovski – Software Tools for Researchers or How to Organize Your Materials with Qiqqa, Zotero and Mendeley

Abstract:In recent years there has been rapid and thorough penetration of information technology (IT) in all spheres of public life. The paper aims to present the software products Qiqqa, Zotero and Mendeley as tools which support the research work and authors of scientific texts from different genres. Qiqqa, Zotero and Mendeley have been easily integrated with the most used programs to create content such as Microsoft Word and BibText / LaTeX.  The main features that Qiqqa, Zotero and Mendeley are presented briefly, the focus is on the utility and on the description how to start using the programs. The characteristics of Qiqqa, Zotero and Mendeley are described and the benefits of using the tools in research projects and in the process of writing scientific texts are presented too.

Keywords: Qiqqa, Zotero, Mendeley,scientific and research project, academic writing, scientific texts and genres.

Rhetoric and Communications Е-Journal, Issue 12, April 2014,, ISSN 1314-4464


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