Abstract: Even as broadly studied as they are in nature, form and structure, metaphors are inexhaustible routes for the transcendence of the cultures of humanity both diachronically and synchronically from the traditional world into the immense spaces of the WWW. In the present paper the metaphor is seen through the metaphor of e-kind as an extension of human existence into the virtual spaces created and supported by the WWW. The vehicle of the metaphorical display of the human world in the world of the e-message is the complex structure of verbal and non-verbal elements comprising the discourse of e-orality. The focus of the study is the transition of Bulgarian culture into a set of worlds that provide its further virtual existence.
Key words: metaphor, E-kind and E-culture, existential extensions, virtual space.
Rhetoric and Communications Е-Journal, Issue 12, April 2014, http://rhetoric.bg/, ISSN 1314-4464