Category Archives: December 2011 Issue 2

Maria Sivenkova – On Metacommunicative Coordination in British, German and Russian Political Blogs and Webchats

Maria Sivenkova - On Metacommunicative Coordination in British, German and Russian Political Blogs and WebchatsAbstract: As a vital technique in preparing for an effective communication, in correcting ongoing communication glitches, and in remedying problems encountered by the participants in previous interactions, metacommunication has been intensively investigated in various types of discourses. However, there is still a dearth of research on metacommunication in computer-mediated genres of political discussions; and the potential for enhancing online political deliberation remains largely untapped by political agents in many countries. The article deals with several types of metacommunicative remarks employed to facilitate communication exchanges in political weblogs and webchats. These metacommunicative comments are generated by political agents who blog / take part in live chat sessions, and by members of the public who post comments on the politicians’ blogs or participate in online discussions with the politicians. Three categories of the metacommunicative comments are analysed: (i) those performing prospective metacommunicative coordination, (ii) metacommunicative comments that regulate ongoing interactions and (iii) metacommunicative remarks that serve to expose and correct previous discursive organizational issues. In addition, some parallels are drawn between metacommunicative comments employed in online genres of political communication and those generated by political agents in such traditional offline genres as parliamentary question-answer sessions and political interviews. Besides, a few cross-cultural observations in the application of metacommunicative remarks online are discussed.

Keywords: metacommunication, metacommunicative comments, metacommunicative coordination, political blogs and webchats, British, German and Russian computer-mediated political discourse.

Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 2, December 2011,, ISSN 1314-4464


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Penka Ivanova – Messages of Public Holidays in Bulgaria (1944-1956). Communicative Aspects

Abstract: Main focus of the article is the role of the socialist conviviality, serving as a mediator between the ideological vision for the reality and the people who have to incorporate it. The celebration has been treated within the context of the new paradigma, in which the explanation of the world has been created. The common structure for all celebrations has been derived, as well as the mechanisms for transmission of the messages of the ideology.

Based on this, conclusions for the essence and the goals of the official conviviality in Bulgaria in the period 1944-1956 have been drawn.

Keywords: socialism, ideology, message, celebration, labour.

Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 2, December 2011,, ISSN 1314-4464

Read the original of the article (in Bulgarian)

Vasko Vassilev and Angelina Milikina – Applying Principles of Public Relations (PR) in the Railway System in Bulgaria

Abstract: Rail transport is not very well developed, this combined with the serious financial difficulties, resulting in loss of position among clients and society as a whole. Applying the principles of PR can lead to improving the image of the railways. This can be achieved by maintaining a wide range of communication activities. It is necessary to pay greater attention to the maintenance of websites of various subcompanies, subject to the overall PR strategy. The principles of PR must be applied and the field of international cooperation in which rail transport participates or is a party. Even if some of the above tasks can be realized at first, this will inevitably lead to a focus on the activities of the railway and the willingness of the management to put the company’s management on modern principles.

Keywords: PR strategies, publicity, information, internet, modern principles.

Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 2, December 2011,, ISSN 1314-4464


Read the original of the article (in Bulgarian)

Iglika Kassabova – Some Rhetorical Special Features of Promoting Television Broadcasts as a Media Product

Abstract: Media rhetoric covers issues of theory, methodology and practice of targeted media communication in mass media. The focus of this article is on TV broadcasting, especially on PR and promotional/ self-promotional techniques for an adequate presentation of the TV content of the four national televisions in Bulgaria – BNT, bTV, Nova, TV7. The on-air and off-air promotion, the different channels and forms of promotion – print visuals, internet banners and social media platforms, are even more challenging for the creative and marketing departments in the Bulgarian TV channels.

Key words:rhetoric, media rhetoric, presentation, promotion, channels of communication.

Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 2, December 2011,, ISSN 1314-4464

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Georgi Petkov – Rhetoric in the System of Science: Definitions of Rhetoric with short Formulas and division into “ornament” and “argument”

Abstract: The presentation of Liberal arts in Medieval texts, where this topic is discussed, traditionally starts with the presentation of the arts of the trivium. The reasons for that are both pedagogical and methodological: it is of great importance when teaching, the instruments for learning to be acquired first, and after that the real essence of science to be reached.

Keywords:rhetoric, trivium, ornament, argument.

Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 2, December 2011,, ISSN 1314-4464

Read the original of the article (in Bulgarian)

Viara Genova – Parliamentary Rhetoric – from Antiquity to Today

Abstract: The paper traces historic milestones in the development of rhetoric in the different parliaments. The articlecovers therhetoricalpatternsbeforethe Hellenistic period, the flowering ofAncient Greeceand Rome, the revolutionary rhetoricof Franceand England, and the communistrhetoricfrom the period1944-1989. Without being exhaustive, the article summarizes the major part of the currently available literature in Bulgarian. This gives an idea of the history of parliamentary rhetoric, firstly; and secondly – it shows scientific interest in the topic.

Keywords: Parliamentary rhetoric, antiquity, parliament, scientific literature in Bulgarian

Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 2, December 2011,, ISSN 1314-4464

Read the original of the article (in Bulgarian)

Anelya Kremenska – “Student – Teacher” Communication in e-Learning?

Abstract: The article is dedicated to the issue of student-teacher communication in the context of e-learning. Many teachers are afraid of the possibility to not be needed in the computer assisted education. To contradict this common belief, a recent research proved the increased importance of the teacher in the ICT age. Some results of an action research on e-learning classroom also suggest a shift in the teacher role: on the one hand, the importance of the teacher feedback has increased largely with the introduction of technology, at the same time teacher’s active role during the classes is accepted as monitoring rather than ruling.

Key words: e-learning, ICT age, student-teacher communication


Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 2, December 2011,, ISSN 1314-4464

Read the original of the article (in Bulgarian)

Kalina Yocheva –Student Communicative Tolerance Dynamics

Abstract: This paper is an attempt to observe the dynamics of the development of communicative tolerance of the students from different pedagogical disciplines in the period from 2004 to 2011. The research is based on adapted methods for diagnosing the communicative tolerance of V.V.Boyko and is orientated towards the specific communication between students and people from different ages and social groups. The research is primarily focused on the attitude towards  pupils from primary schools.

Keywords: tolerance, discrimination, communication, communicative tolerance, students, pupils, tea

Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 2, December 2011,, ISSN 1314-4464


Read the original of the article (in Bulgarian)

Svilena Balabanova – Space in Non-verbal Pedagogical Communication in Primary School

Abstract:The article presents the specifics of nonverbal communication in the classroom in terms of the proxemicsrevealing the characteristics of spatial location in the teacher-student interaction.The article presents the basic components of the proxemics: territoriality, personal space and orientation and their impact on teacher communicationand some features of communication in a multicultural environment.Special attention is paid to the role of privacy when communicating with children from different ethnic groups.Itclarifies the influence of the interior and the physical environment of the classroom, the orderliness of the seatings, the presence of the teacher, most of them properly selected among students, etc. It is proposed that the different ways of arrangement of the classroom have a distinct impact on the  teacher-student interaction.

Keywords: nonverbal communication, proxemics, territoriality, personal space, orientation, interior, physical environment, multicultural communication, teacher communication.

Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 2, December 2011,, ISSN 1314-4464

Read the original of the article (in Bulgarian)