The Role of Intelligent Technologies in Communications

Manuela Toteva

Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”


Abstract: Today we live in an age of chains and the disappearance of hierarchical structures, in which companies create products and services for the future when the strategic role of communications develops and modifies in correspondence with the dynamics of a global transformation. To meet increasing expectations, public relations and marketing professionals attempt to enhance their toolkit by joining a variety of technological solutions to make their work more efficient. The aim of the article is to present the point of view of Bulgarian communication specialists, as well as to synthesize the vision of European and global professional organizations on the topic. The methodology includes desk research and secondary analysis of data published in previous studies. The hypothesis is that the integration of artificial intelligence in different industries is not new, while its use in the communications business is still unpopular. It is hypothesized that technologies in communications improve efficiency, replacing humans in monotonous processes and providing them free time for activities with a creative charge and high intellectual capacity. Professional organizations are in solidarity with the public role of intelligent technologies, and empirical studies show a similar attitude to the subject of this publication by Bulgarian and European experts who believe that automation will change their work, but the boundaries of these changes are still unclear.

Keywords: marketing, artificial intelligence, cloud technologies.

Rhetoric and Communications Journal, issue 49, October 2021

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