Petrana Stoykova – Teacher’s Role in the “Knowledge society”

Abstract:  The most significant phenomenon of our times is the intensive development of scientific and technical progress. Knowledge becomes “the greatest wealth” of the contemporary society, which is defined as “information society”, “society of services” or “knowledge society”. Through education people acquire knowledge and skills that are in accordance with the labor needs. “Knowledge society” is also faced with the challenges of social inclusion and good citizenship, which are related to need for new educational models. The requirements for the teacher increase, because of the necessity of forming of rational civil society. Under the information technology influence the students will be able to work at home via a computer connection. Teachers may be unnecessary. However, only through direct communication between a teacher and a student, more rapid approval of adequate behavioral models and forming attitudes towards values of changingthe social order by students, become possible.

Keywords: „knowledge society”, liberal education, teacher, student.

Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 8, April 2013,, ISSN 1314-4464


Read the original of the article (in Bulgarian)