Abstract:The article traces and describes the milestones in the development of the radio, emphasizing on the cultural power and influence which it had on the people. The purpose is to focus on the importance and the power of one mass media which has managed to conquer many people for a short period of time. The necessity for such historical overview of the development of the radio lies the fact that its invention is the starting point for the improvement of media communication. The key periods of its development are described in the article. The accent is put on the earliest period of its development.Memories and stories of people who were contemporaries of its appearance and development are collected and cited. On the one hand they complement the available information, and on the other hand, they reflect the picture of the past years and describe the spirit of this period.
Keywords: radio, the milestones in the development of the radio, cultural power of radio, history of radio.
Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 5, September 2012, http://rhetoric.bg/, ISSN 1314-4464