Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 26, January 2017, rhetoric.bg/, journal.rhetoric.bg, ISSN 1314-4464
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Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 26, January 2017, rhetoric.bg/, journal.rhetoric.bg, ISSN 1314-4464
Read the original of the text (in Bulgarian)
Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 26, January 2017, rhetoric.bg/, journal.rhetoric.bg, ISSN 1314-4464
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Pedagofocal Colleage – Vratza
Имейл: ynedev@gmail.com
Abstract: The methodological guidelines, which are proposed in this paper are addressed to the organisation and holding of summer school related to the support for overcoming the deficits in students’ knowledge. Here are defined the objectives and tasks of the summer school. Here are identified also specific characteristics of the summer school compared to routine work during the school year, which is particularly valuable. In addition, in this paper there are options for selection of students, a schedule and daily programme, the choice of subjects and educational content, ways of organising the educational process, the leisure and entertainment. This paper gives practical guidance on implementation of group activities, learning through play, incorporating fun contests and competitions. The parents are involved in the summer school opportunities too, through their direct participation in the process of motivating students, through contribution to the conduct of school activities and the interest classes, through the reporting of the results of the work.
Keywords: guideline, organasation, summer school.
Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 26, January 2017, rhetoric.bg/, journal.rhetoric.bg, ISSN 1314-4464
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Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”
E-mail: ivanangel@abv.bg
Abstract: This article presents a theoretical review of the concept “innovation milieu” in the context of an industrial cluster. Porter’s industrial cluster approach is used for the purposes of this article (Porter, 1990 [1]). Based on the existing literature, the author brings the concept multi-scaled innovation milieu, which concerns the industrial cluster’s overall innovation milieu as aggregation of different interactions in three particular areas, namely: inside the structure of each separate actor; amongst all actors participating in the cluster; between the cluster and other organizational networks.
Keywords: cluster, innovation, milieu.
Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 26, January 2017, rhetoric.bg/, journal.rhetoric.bg, ISSN 1314-4464
Military Academy “G. S. Rakovski”
E-mail: vpetrova@abv.bg
Abstract: This article presents the results of a study of about 2370 publications and press release available in Bulgaria now for the „1990 – 2012“ period on the topic „For and Against Bulgarian membership in NATO“. All available public resources are included, as well as some personal archives. The aim of this study is to make the picture of the public opinion on the above topic thorough. Most of the facts from the study point out that the public opinion determines this new history stage for Bulgaria as being a country of regional dependency, with historically mixed links, politically diverse and organizationally challenging (NATO including), and in view of the changes occurring in the world.
Keywords: NATO, Bulgaria, membership, publications, archives, resources.
Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 26, January 2017, rhetoric.bg/, journal.rhetoric.bg, ISSN 1314-4464
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Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”
E-mail: burudzhiev@phls.uni-sofia.bg
Abstract: The article presents the results of the analyses of the presidential election campaign in Bulgaria 2016. The research is focus on the image of the enemy created, used and broadcasted during the electoral campaign.
Keywords: presidential election campaign, political communication, enemy image.
Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 26, January 2017, rhetoric.bg/, journal.rhetoric.bg, ISSN 1314-4464
Read the original of the text (in Bulgarian)
European Pilytechnical Universitry
E-mail: y_totseva@abv.bg
Abstract: The current paper presents the results of analyses of two speeches delivered by Tibor Navrachich and Federica Mogherini during the European Cultural Forum “Talent and creativity for a stronger and more inclusive Europe” (2016). The model of rhetorical analysis created by Ivanka Mavrodieva is used during the survey of two speeches. The focus of the research is on the following topics: the role of identity and types of identities; cultural differences; multiculturalism in European countries; cultural diplomacy; cultural heritage; the impact of mobility of young people on building better understanding and respect for difference and diversity.
Key words: culture, multiculturalism, intercultural dialog.
Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 26, January 2017, rhetoric.bg/, journal.rhetoric.bg, ISSN 1314-4464
Read the original of the text (in Bulgarian)
Pedagogical Colleague – Vratza
E-mail: kaliniva.a@abv.bg
Abstract: In this study highlights the problem of teacher communication and the establishment of discipline in terms of changes in the educational paradigm. In particular, we consider the discipline and pedagogical communication technology in primary school education in the context of the implementation of personal-oriented approach. Without pretending to be exhaustive in development offer options for effective pedagogical interaction in technological education by putting emphasis on the current understanding of its implementation and the need to change the position of the youngest students in the learning process.
Keywords: teacher communication, discipline, technology training, prescriptive approach, personality-oriented approach
Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 26, January 2017, rhetoric.bg/, journal.rhetoric.bg, ISSN 1314-4464
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University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev”
E-mail: sonia1956@abv.bg
Abstract: Social integration is increasingly getting more necessary and reliable for the understanding and peace in the whole world. In this work pedagogic projections of multiculturalism and identification in the social integration are represented. Without being placed in the opposition the differences of individuals without the same cultural accessory, the problem of the identity and the various grounds on which it may be based is ranged over. Alternatives for the social integration of the „different-same“ are shown, resulting from the degrees of multicultural identification.
Key words: social integration, identification, multiculturаlism
Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 26, January 2017, rhetoric.bg/, journal.rhetoric.bg, ISSN 1314-4464
Read the original of the text (in Bulgarian)
Veliko Tarnovo University “St. St. Cyril and Methodius ”
Email: yoana.ppavlova@gmail.com
Abstract: The ideas of Humanism put Man as a center of the world which influenced the development of different movements which goal is a defense of human’s value. The article examines the coexistence of two movements-feminism and multiculturalism. The goal of feminism is to equalized woman and man in the society and the multiculturalism is focused on the idea of man as a bearer of a different culture. The author looks for the answer of the question is it possible the
development of the two movements in the society.
Key words: feminism, multiculturalism, policy of acceptance.
Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 26, January 2017, rhetoric.bg/, journal.rhetoric.bg, ISSN 1314-4464