IInterpretation of the Innovation Milieu in the Context of an Industrial Cluster

Ivan Angelov

Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”

E-mail: ivanangel@abv.bg

Abstract: This article presents a theoretical review of the concept “innovation milieu” in the context of an industrial cluster. Porter’s industrial cluster approach is used for the purposes of this article (Porter, 1990 [1]). Based on the existing literature, the author brings the concept multi-scaled innovation milieu, which concerns the industrial cluster’s overall innovation milieu as aggregation of different interactions in three particular areas, namely: inside the structure of each separate actor; amongst all actors participating in the cluster; between the cluster and other organizational networks.

Keywords: cluster, innovation, milieu.

Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 26, January 2017, rhetoric.bg/, journal.rhetoric.bg, ISSN 1314-4464

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