Guidelines for Organizing a Summer School

Joseph Nunev

Pedagofocal Colleage – Vratza

Abstract: The methodological guidelines, which are proposed in this paper are addressed to the organisation and holding of summer school related to the support for overcoming the deficits in students’ knowledge. Here are defined the objectives and tasks of the summer school. Here are identified also specific characteristics of the summer school compared to routine work during the school year, which is particularly valuable. In addition, in this paper there are options for selection of students, a schedule and daily programme, the choice of subjects and educational content, ways of organising the educational process, the leisure and entertainment. This paper gives practical guidance on implementation of group activities, learning through play, incorporating fun contests and competitions. The parents are involved in the summer school opportunities too, through their direct participation in the process of motivating students, through contribution to the conduct of school activities and the interest classes, through the reporting of the results of the work.

Keywords: guideline, organasation, summer school.

Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 26, January 2017,,, ISSN 1314-4464

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