Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 18, July 2015, rhetoric.bg/, journal.rhetoric.bg, ISSN 1314-4464
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Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 18, July 2015, rhetoric.bg/, journal.rhetoric.bg, ISSN 1314-4464
Read the original of the text (in Bulgarian)
Abstract: Mass media language is attractive for a research, because the media are an essential part of the culture and are accessible to all. Nonstandard in this language causes communication researchers not only theoretical reflections but also to practical studies. The article attempts to explain theoretically the positives and negatives of unconventional media language and give specific examples from the media. The nonstandard language of traditional media is discussed – in television, radio and press. Internet media are not ignored. With regard to the language, they do not make an exception to the traditional media. The short summary focuses on the role of journalists that despite the development of modern communication equipment and technology undoubtedly remains central.
Keywords: media language; nonstandard language; indefensible television camera; radio communication, graphic design.
Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 18, July 2015, rhetoric.bg/, journal.rhetoric.bg, ISSN 1314-4464
Abstract: Elections are a fundamental instrument in the political action, legitimizing power as a mechanism of political articulation of the world. Political communication in this act is based on the methods of the notional power – persuasion and manipulation. As an essential element in it is the campaign where political communication is the field in which dialectic of the political action is carried out – on the one hand striving for political isolation of the theses and arguments of the opponents, on the other hand, the very legitimate political process – increasing of electoral support. This article will attempt to show to which specific electoral groups the political communication of the parties is targeted during the election campaign. What are the main rhetorical techniques and arguments used by political actors in the political process of legitimation? What is the ideological orientation of the messages in the communication process or communication is entirely expert? There are opportunities to conclude that the replacement of the political debate with the methods of political advertising aims to increase electoral support.
Keywords: power, voter identification, political communication, rhetorical figures, messages, arguments, political advertising.
Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 18, July 2015, rhetoric.bg/, journal.rhetoric.bg, ISSN 1314-4464
Abstract: The article gives answers to the model of Multiculturalism and recognition of existing theory and practice for ethnic relations and social integration. The author don’t sent limits to Multiculturalism as ethnical definition (existence of different ethnic parts of population in society) and it’s political use. The thesis for policy, providing individual rights for support culture as well as social prosperity of the different ethnic minorities with their agreement to constitutional principles and common values in society and observance of constitutional rights has been developed. The author defends the thesis that State should support the process of ethnic integration and stimulate formation of new forms of solidarity.
Keywords: multiculturalism; ethnic diversity; social exclusion; social integration; civil identity; ethnic conflicts.
Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 18, July 2015, rhetoric.bg/, journal.rhetoric.bg, ISSN 1314-4464
Abstract: The following text introduces an up-to-date interpretation and critical analysis on the writings of Hannah Arendt and Karl Popper. It seeks to present the specific role of a mediator, which political science plays in the process of correlation of politics and truth. Based on the Arendt’s ideas the text addresses the issue of relation of truth and politics on three levels: genuine contradiction, functional contradiction and deviations of power, which result in the manipulation of truth. Possibilities and solutions with regard to the liberal democracy and its mechanisms are presented. The text introduces certain methodological problems and ways that could be used for further orientation in cognition and its correctness. It also addresses Popper’s thesis regarding the search of truth through an open discussion and the public interest in it. The latter has a significant potential to contribute to the process of social communication by giving it more rationality.
Keywords: truth, science, politics, methodology, influence, social communication.
Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 18, July 2015, rhetoric.bg/, journal.rhetoric.bg, ISSN 1314-4464
Abstract: The paper explores the nature of the two civil-political movements in Poland and Ukraine, which arose during different periods of the history in these countries. „Solidarity“ and „Euromaidan“ were formed at a time when both countries were experiencing severe socio-economic and political crises. They have become the most effective tool in the fight against the existing political regime and social order. The article also discusses the characteristics of these movements, the main similarities and differences. Particular attention is given to the role of media in the events of the 80s in Poland and the current situation in Ukraine. The same media have always been and remain a powerful weapon that plays a critical role in shaping the public opinion of the masses. In Poland, the independent press has become a platform for discussion, a place of expression of different points of view on possible options for a reform of the communist system. In Ukraine, before the media is no less important task – widespread control over the actions of officials and politicians. After all, today they are responsible not only for the changes in the field of economics and politics, but also for the continuation of the existence of the state of Ukraine.
Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 18, July 2015, rhetoric.bg/, journal.rhetoric.bg, ISSN 1314-4464
Abstract: Critical discourse analysis (CDA) is an interdisciplinary approach to the study of discourse that views language as a form of social practice and focuses on the ways social and political domination are reproduced in texts and speech. In comparison with other methods СDA has no clearly regulated procedure of selection of materials and the analysis itself. Therefore СDA has been criticized for subjectivity in the interpretation of the data. However CDA has a number of advantages: 1) it can eliminate the contradiction between qualitative and quantitative orientation of scientific methods; 2) it does not require complicated procedures for the data collection; 3) it is very economical; 4) any other analytical tool allows you to check its results; 5) it involves large amounts of textual material which allows direct analysis of data, eliminating from allegations of secondary data analysis and interpretation. The discipline of International Relations using CDA gives an opportunity to convert the study from meta-level to the level of discursive practices. It also gives a possibility to overcome the artificial division of spheres of internal and foreign policy. Several studies using CDA appeared in Russia and Ukraine in the recent years.
Keywords: critical discourse analysis (CDA), methods, advantages, opportunities, study, international relations.
Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 18, July 2015, rhetoric.bg/, journal.rhetoric.bg, ISSN 1314-4464