Abstract: The following text introduces an up-to-date interpretation and critical analysis on the writings of Hannah Arendt and Karl Popper. It seeks to present the specific role of a mediator, which political science plays in the process of correlation of politics and truth. Based on the Arendt’s ideas the text addresses the issue of relation of truth and politics on three levels: genuine contradiction, functional contradiction and deviations of power, which result in the manipulation of truth. Possibilities and solutions with regard to the liberal democracy and its mechanisms are presented. The text introduces certain methodological problems and ways that could be used for further orientation in cognition and its correctness. It also addresses Popper’s thesis regarding the search of truth through an open discussion and the public interest in it. The latter has a significant potential to contribute to the process of social communication by giving it more rationality.
Keywords: truth, science, politics, methodology, influence, social communication.
Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 18, July 2015, rhetoric.bg/, journal.rhetoric.bg, ISSN 1314-4464