Asparuh Dikov – Political Communication in Television Debates – European Parliament Elections in Bulgaria in 2014

Asparuh Dikov – Political Communication in Television Debates – European Parliament Elections in Bulgaria in 2014Abstract: Elections are a fundamental instrument in the political action, legitimizing power as a mechanism of political articulation of the world. Political communication in this act is based on the methods of the notional power – persuasion and manipulation. As an essential element in it is the campaign where political communication is the field in which dialectic of the political action is carried out – on the one hand striving for political isolation of the theses and arguments of the opponents, on the other hand, the very legitimate political process – increasing of electoral support. This article will attempt to show to which specific electoral groups the political communication of the parties is targeted during the election campaign. What are the main rhetorical techniques and arguments used by political actors in the political process of legitimation? What is the ideological orientation of the messages in the communication process or communication is entirely expert? There are opportunities to conclude that the replacement of the political debate with the methods of political advertising aims to increase electoral support.

Keywords: power, voter identification, political communication, rhetorical figures, messages, arguments, political advertising.

Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 18, July 2015,,, ISSN 1314-4464

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