Tina Satieva – Reasons and Methods for Organizing Special Events

Tina Satieva – Reasons and Methods for Organizing Special EventsAbstract: An attempt to clarify the essence, the place, the role, and the functions of the Special Events in the context of the integrated marketing communications (IMC) is made in the following article. A classification of the reasons, summarized in five groups, for organizing a special event is made. A proposal for the classification of the Special events, corresponding to their dimension and influence is made. Four possible internal-organizational and external-organizational methods of approach are described- the functional-matrix method, the hierarchic-administrative method, the consultant method and the venture method. The Event management is examined as a specific scientific and professional field with a variety of organizational, managing, commucational, marketing and integrity character within its concept.

Keywords: Special event, integrated marketing communications (IMC), reasons for organizing a Special Events, methods of approach of a Special Events, Special Events categories, Special Events Managements, managing, communications.

Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 18, July 2015, rhetoric.bg/, journal.rhetoric.bg, ISSN 1314-4464

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