Valeria Kardashevska – Spoken Words and Their Power to Influence the Communication Medium

Abstract: The choice of the topic has been provoked by preconditions that have evolved recently from implementing the social interaction method by means of the living speech.  More and more people who work in different spheres are interested in and feel the need to consult with speech specialists. I believe it is time and necessary to systematize and analyze the working and time-tested practices and enounce them in scientific electronic journals. This article will examine various issues related to speech and will propose options for resolving them. The aim is to provoke interest and understanding of the need to master the voice, because in our social environment the voice often functions as a calling or  business card.
Keywords: communication, words, voice, speech, breathing, timbre.

Rhetoric and Communications Е-Journal, Issue 10, October 2013,, ISSN 1314-4464

Read the original of the article (in Bulgarian)