Abstracts: This article reveals the relationship between communications and crisis management. The other goal is to define the main features of the crisis, the nature of the crisis and the main characteristic of the risk communications. The second point is to discover the role of the modern mobile and Internet technologies to manage the crisis and to provide important information for the people to react in unexpected situations. Following we give an account of the basic models and principles of the management of communications during the risky and critical situations. Finally we briefly analyse major publications, books and studies of popular authors at an international level, we also discuss the global and European experience in structuring of communications and providing quality information during emergency situations. We offer models and methodology for the management of the crisis and also to limit the negative consequences for people, nature and society.
Key words: crisis communication management, risk communications, social media strategy, new mobile technology, communication planning, crisis prevention.
Rhetoric and Communications Е-Journal, Issue 9, July 2013, http://rhetoric.bg/, ISSN 1314-4464