Georgi Naydenov – Russian Anti-Semitism, Putin and Politkovskaya

Abstract: The report examines the reasons for the increased anti-Semitism in Russia in the last few years. The focus is on two stages of “deployment” of anti-Semitism: the beginning of “perestroika” till the end of the twentieth century; and from the end of the twentieth century to the present. The research includes the acvtivity of the Russian journalist  – Politkovskaya, and the aim is to explain why she is believed to be a national traitor by the Russian public opinion. Two main factions of the Russian Jewish elite are investigated, too, and the aim is to explain the reasons for their different behavior – pro-Russian and anti-Russian ones. Therisk of deepening the anti-Semitism as a result of the war that the American Anglo-Saxon and the Jewish elites lead against Russia, are presented too.

Kew words:Russian anti-semitism, Russian elite, American Anglo-Saxon and Jewish elites, Chechen wars, Russian patriotism and nationalism.

Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 6, November 2012,, ISSN 1314-4464

Read the original of the article (in Bulgarian)