Tatiana Yordanova
Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”
E-mail: tania_jd@abv.bg
Abstract: From a marketing perspective, young people form a particularly attractive consumer’s segment as regards to the market of innovative products combining high technology and modern design, as are the majority of innovations today. On the one hand, high technology is an integral part of these consumers’ lives and personal development. On the other hand, young people’s desire for individuality and independence make them highly susceptible to fashion trends. The current article examines the role of communication in the adoption process of innovative products specifically in this consumer’s segment. The stages forming positive attitude and willingness towards innovative products are analysed. Attention is paid to the main characteristics of the mass media and interpersonal communication channels and their impact on the different categories of consumers in the process discussed herein. In more details it is presented the media communication as a source of information about innovations. The author attempts to compare the media news with information about innovative product and analyzes the requirements towards communication, facilitating the adoption of innovation. Results of an empirical study are presented, that prove the existence of a difference in the communication behaviour in both consumer categories – the innovators and the non-innovators.
Keywords: communication, adoption of innovative product, mass media, interpersonal communication channel, innovators, non-innovators.
Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 28, May 2017, rhetoric.bg/, journal.rhetoric.bg, ISSN 1314-4464