Albena Antonova – Building Sophisticated Infographics as Effective Knowledge Visualization and Knowledge Sharing Tool

Abstract: Proper presentation of both numeric and descriptive data from various scientific sources becomes increasingly important as good visualization models can promote knowledge sharing, improve understanding of complex processes and enhance scientific communication. Thus researchers’ skills and competences for knowledge visualization should be developed and improved both from theoretical and instrumental perspective. The present chapter aims to explore the models and functions of infographics as effective tools for knowledge visualization. First, there are explored theoretical findings behind knowledge visualization process and infographics. Then a theoretical model for building effective infographics is proposed, discussing the steps and the layers of knowledge abstraction. Finally there is made a comparative analysis of several popular Internet tools, underlying their advantages and disadvantages for scientific knowledge visualization. The conclusion section proposes new insights about theoretical and practical aspects of building complex models for knowledge visualization and knowledge sharing.

Keywords: infographics, Science Communication, Knowledge Visualization, Knowledge Sharing.

Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 25, November 2016,,, ISSN 1314-4464

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