Category Archives: November 2016 Issue 25

Teodora Abrasheva – Rhetorical Features of Movie’s Trailers

Abstract: The present article examines the features of trailers in cinema from rhetorical standpoint. The study analyses the three trailers which are used to attract viewers’ interest and create excessive expectations for the overall content of the film. The structure, script, narrative and individual rhetorical techniques are analysed too and the goal is to present an achieve the communicative objectives by the trailers. The text is focus on the analysis of the cinematic trailer as a tool to manipulate the viewers’ interest as a prerequisite for creating excessive expectations for the overall content of the film.

Keywords: rhetoric, cinema, trailer, audience.

Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 25, November 2016,,, ISSN 1314-4464

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Todor Simeonov – Digital Badges in Education: Nature and Implementation

Abstract: There are many evidences of how education is conducted, partially or entirely, in the virtual environment. Nowadays, the processes of acquisition of new knowledge and skills, and fostering the proper motivation in the learners have to fully comply with the ‘avalanche’ of new technologies that flows over the education. The digital badges have a dual role – on one hand, they are the new technology, and on the other, they appear as a tool to help educators in need of finding an effective method to motivate learners in the virtual space. The current paper aims at examining the nature of digital badges – their creation and their use in virtual environment from a rhetorical viewpoint. For the purpose, a corpus of 20 digital badges from different virtual educational platforms has been subjected to visual analysis.

Keywords: digital badges, virtual environment , new technologies in education, visual rhetorical analysis.

Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 25, November 2016,,, ISSN 1314-4464

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Ilieva-Koleva, Raya Tsvetkova, Raya Genova – The Impact Factor Defined

Abstract: The following research aims to provide an explanation and detailed analysis of the impact factor. It has evolved to become one of the most influential tools in modern research and academia, although the use of it has provoked strongly mixed reactions among investigators and academic researchers. Additionally, the research aims to help young scientists, PhD students and professors in understanding and implementing the impact factor in their academic work when it comes to generating credible academic and scientific papers and books.

Key words: impact factor, meaning of impact factor, academic publications, scientific publications, scientific research.
Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 25, November 2016,,, ISSN 1314-4464
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Silvia Petrova – Political Media Images and Gender

Abstract: The text focuses on strategies for building a political image in the media through the concept of gender identity. The analysis of the political models of media’s gender identity shows that the media use priority traditional patriarchal stereotypes about the role of men and women in society. Thus the different political figures are reduced to a homogeneous mass. The erasure of boundaries between public and private and the focus on the politician’s lifestyle instead of ideological and political messages have shaped a new understanding of politics – a spectacle designed to entertain, not to solve socially significant issues. However, these processes change the idea of ​​active citizenship and civil society, reduce voters to fans or haters, whose position comes down to watch or not offered by media images.

Keywords: media, politics, gender, popular culture, social media, lifestyle

Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 25, November 2016,,, ISSN 1314-4464

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Viara Genova – The Manifestations of the Theme of Gender Equality in Parliamentary and Media Rhetoric in Bulgaria (April – May 2016)

Abstract: After years of debate and sporadic institutional activity, Bulgaria became the last country in the European Union, which obtained a law on equality of women and men. It was adopted in April 2016 and in May in Bulgaria was held Global Forum of women leaders, discussing issues of gender equality. In the present study analyzes the media coverage of the newly adopted law and that of the forum through the prism of gender rhetoric and its role in promoting gender equality in Bulgaria. In view of the overall analysis in the exhibition are considered and parliamentary debates on the Law of equality. The aim is to trace the arguments used in plenary and those articulated in the media as an attempt to assess the rhetorical activity of speakers and their ability to convince the audience.

Keywords: gender rhetoric, equality, women leaders, arguments, audience, media coverage

Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 25, November 2016,,, ISSN 1314-4464

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Luben Geshev – The Role of Communication during the Formation of Consumer Skills

Abstract: The transformation of the communication understanding from a linear, through two-step flow and convergent, to network models is led by the change of the complex structuring of the societies par excellence. This process happens simultaneously with the development of the consumerism and the establishing and updating of the mass consumer skills. The toolkit of the persuasive communication is used by the communication agents to build a design to launch of technology innovations. The focus is on the image and the attitudes, those create an intention for purchase, respectively a new consumer experience and appraise of the skills and the knowledge.

Key words: consumerism, strategic communication, persuasive communication, communication networks, network economy, consumption skills.

Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 25, November 2016,,, ISSN 1314-4464

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Dessyslava Stoichkova – Manifestations of Visual Rhetoric on LinkedIn

Abstact: Communication in social networks is becoming more and more informal and full of visual and video forms of content that dominates the text and this reflects in redefining the meaning of the “dialogue” concept. Consumers are increasingly using emoticons, emotstickers, memes, videos, gifs and other formats which represent in a syncretic way their thoughts, opinions or intentions. Social networks rely on more interesting and convenient interface, desktop versions are strongly influenced by possibilities of navigation in mobile applications and this leads to more informal online environment even for strongly business-oriented social networks like LinkedIn. The article aims to examine the most commonly used formats of the mentioned ones, to distinguish the genre they use, to differentiate effective formats for the business environment in the context of successfully built personal brand and to track trends in business correspondence online. The text tries to identify the right approaches, genres and exact moments for multimedia usage by users in order to build a successful professional profile on LinkedIn.

Keywords: business communication, visual rhetoric, virtual rhetoric, business netiquette, personal brand, visual formats, interactivity, online content.

Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 25, November 2016,,, ISSN 1314-4464

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Desislava Antova – Manifestations of Visual Rhetoric in Multimedia Journalism (Case-study Analysis of Online Media

Abstract: The new media, creating qualitatively new architectural possibilities by text digital articles, enriching them with pictures and video are part of the growing trend for superiority of the images in the transmission of messages within the network. They are the object of scientific interest in the virtual / visual rhetoric and multimedia journalism. On the problems of multimedia newsroom have worked a number of Bulgarian and foreign researchers. The principle, even though with late rates found its application in our country. The interest is focus on rhetorical aspect of multimodal content produced by the multimedia newsroom. These reveals of the virtual rhetoric are immanent part of the digital structure and new architecture of the text. Architecture whose features hyperlinks, online video, photos, keywords and tags are crucial in a multimedia product. The volume aspect of the news, understood as something important and meaningful to society, are placed in a new context. Who has changed according to the canons of multimodality in rhetoric and in journalism. The precondition for this development, understood as multimedia journalism is the technological progress. This enable journalists to create content, share this with other media and to edit information provided by the audience. The aim is to focus on customers for a long time on a multimedia product. Multimodality, both in rhetoric and in journalistic terms, is the subject of this study. Quality u method which is used is a Case Study. Created corpus of content elements – multimedia messages presented in the online media The main purpose is to demonstrate the leading role of the multimedia as a qualitatively new element to present and convey the message – the news. Enable are some comparisons with other media to demonstrate the need for multimedia and multimodality in the development of digital content and messages.

Keywords: virtual rhetoric, multimedia, multimedia newsroom, multimodality.

Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 25, November 2016,,, ISSN 1314-4464

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Desisilava Dobreva – Theoretical and Terminology Overview of the Concepts in Virtual Rhetoric

Abstract: The present text focuses on terminology overview and definition of some current concepts in the virtual rhetoric, which is characterized by relatively new but dynamically developing field of research. Problems provided by it are characterized by extreme seriousness and the studies on them have established traditions in the world, but just beginning to arouse interest in academics in Bulgaria. Therefore, in the conceptual apparatus there are missing terms in Bulgarian language for a number of events in the virtual environment and definitions for them and in most cases there are used foreign words that are gradually approved and accepted in the vocabulary on the topic. It is a fact that the latter is in most cases is inevitable. Due to the nature of the services in a virtual environment and communication there, and specifics about their appearance, many of the concepts used in the field have no equivalent or accurate translation into Bulgarian language. The objective of this text is to update and enrich some of the terminology in the field of virtual rhetoric as introduce and define relevant concepts by the author.

Keywords: Virtual rhetoric, concepts, definitions.

Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 25, November 2016,,, ISSN 1314-4464

Read the original of the text (in Bulgarian)