Viara Genova – The Manifestations of the Theme of Gender Equality in Parliamentary and Media Rhetoric in Bulgaria (April – May 2016)

Abstract: After years of debate and sporadic institutional activity, Bulgaria became the last country in the European Union, which obtained a law on equality of women and men. It was adopted in April 2016 and in May in Bulgaria was held Global Forum of women leaders, discussing issues of gender equality. In the present study analyzes the media coverage of the newly adopted law and that of the forum through the prism of gender rhetoric and its role in promoting gender equality in Bulgaria. In view of the overall analysis in the exhibition are considered and parliamentary debates on the Law of equality. The aim is to trace the arguments used in plenary and those articulated in the media as an attempt to assess the rhetorical activity of speakers and their ability to convince the audience.

Keywords: gender rhetoric, equality, women leaders, arguments, audience, media coverage

Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 25, November 2016,,, ISSN 1314-4464

Read the original of the text (in Bulgarian)