Abstract: The article offers a critical reading and analyses of the scientific publications presenting the aspects, components and realization of the PR strategy in order to satisfy the mission and the overall goals of the organization. The thesis is that PR strategy usually refers to the overall concept, approach or master plan that leads towards the implementation of the main goal. PR strategy usually refers to the overall image or individual actions for the company’s products. Many are the questions whose satisfactory clarification depends on the full preparation and realization of any strategy as an active means for more effective implementation of communications in organizations. Their thorough review is part of a whole system of consistent actions pursuant to different factors. The PR strategy is an integral part of the overall corporate program and policy.
Keywords: strategy, РR strategy, РR planning, meaningful components of the РR strategy.
Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 24, September 2016, rhetoric.bg/, journal.rhetoric.bg, ISSN 1314-4464