Abstract: The attitudes and preferences of media audiences can be considered as components of public opinion. They actually give out signs about the condition of vox populi toward different topics with significant importance for society. The object of this article is media audience as a component of the communication chain; subject of the study is the results of surveys conducted among readers of some Bulgarian newspapers. The article has one purpose that is to check whether national newspapers in Bulgaria make some researches about the audience attitudes toward their content. In this way we can confirm or reject the thesis that there is a lack of profound studies of newspaper readers’ preferences.This can be achieved by data examination of the audience preferences of four national newspapers published on their Internet pages. This is a practical way to check what kind of information concerning their readers is disclosed. The examination also aims to check whether there is some data about the public preferences toward media content. The short research proves to what extend there is lack of profound surveys of the attitudes of newspaper audiences in Bulgaria.
Keywords: audience, attitudes, public opinion, media, communication chain, methods of measurement, characteristics, communication model.
Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 20, November 2015, rhetoric.bg/, journal.rhetoric.bg, ISSN 1314-4464