Abstract: The current article discusses the contemporary aspects of the pedagogical presentation conducted in a virtual environment. Screencasting is a new approach to online learning, which allows the presentation of educational material in a new, innovative way directly through the computer screen without the need for special expertise for creating multimedia products. The article approbates a method called cyberethnography, which observes the online educational field and content in the free version of the course proposed by the educational site www.coursera.org: “English Composition I: Achieving Expertise”. The presented conclusions provide a look on how cyberethongraphy is suitable for the analysis of this online learning experience.
Key words: screencasting, cyberethnography, pedagogical presentation, virtual rhetoric, online education.
Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 20, November 2015, rhetoric.bg/, journal.rhetoric.bg, ISSN 1314-4464