Bistra Dudeva, Kristina Stoyanova – Gestures and Еnglish Language Teaching in a Medical University: a Study

Bistra Dudeva, Kristina Stoyanova – Gestures and Еnglish Language Teaching in a Medical University: a Study Abstract. English language teaching at the medical university demonstrates the significance of gestures in oral communication. The aim of the study is to investigate the ability of students of the Medical University –Sofia, Bulgaria, to acquire and accompany the use of English language (L2) phrases with the appropriate G2 gestures, characteristic of C2 culture where L2 communication is considered native. The study demonstrates the very limited ability of medical university students’ to accompany the use of L2 with the appropriate gestures. It also demonstrates the significance of gestures in second language teaching.

Keywords: English language teaching, gestures, medical university students.

Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 19, October 2015,,, ISSN 1314-4464

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