Category Archives: October 2015 Issue 19

Albena Trifonova-Shtarbanova – Analysis of Comprehensive Evaluation of Public Relations of Bulgarian Posts LTD in Print Media from 2004 till 2014

Albena Trifonova-Shtarbanova – Analysis of Comprehensive Evaluation of Public Relations of Bulgarian Posts LTD in Print Media from 2004 till 2014Abstract: The paper consists the result of investigation on public relation of Bulgarian Posts LTD in Bulgarian print media. Object of the research are 611 publications in the press, related with Bulgarian posts during the period 2004-2014. An object of the research is the evaluation of the PR in the press of the Bulgarian posts. In the dissertation research are used: method of content analysis, interview with experts, method of inquiry cards, method of assess. The results are: Elaboration of methodology for Complex evaluation of the Public relationships in Bulgarian posts in the press from 2004 till 2014 and Analysis and evaluation of the Public relationships of Bulgarian posts. The complex evaluation for analysis of the content of the PR publications of Bulgarian posts gives more detailed and expert evaluation of the PR department in 10-years period. The using of the proposed methodology for elaboration of future PR publications by the firm will form more stable and confident communication with external and internal publics of Bulgarian Posts, also and more quality prognostication directions for the future

Keywords: Public Relations; Content- analysis; Complex assessment methodology; Bulgarian Posts EAD; print media.

Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 19, October 2015,,, ISSN 1314-4464

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Yana Filipova – Rhetorical Techniques Used by Bulgarian Trolls

Yana Filipova – Rhetorical Techniques Used by Bulgarian TrollsAbstract: Manipulation and persuasion techniques have already evolved, when used in the internet reality. In order to be more effective, they are transformed in a very peculiar forms, using all kinds of tools and channels. The article investigates and analyses verbal and rhetorical techniques of public opinion manipulation, used by the paid political commenting users online, called “trolls”. The analysis focusesupon the trolling, manifested in two different in opinion online media sites– Dnevnik and, covering two events in 2015 – The Gurmen conflict (happened on 23.05.2015) and The Orlandovsti clash (13.05.2015). Summoning Bulgarian ethnic stereotypes plus the approaching elections time and the lack of reasonable explanation of the conflicts are the reasons, which made the author’s desire to analyze the case. The analysis will concentrate on the usage of argumentum ad hominem, ad baculum, ad populum, appeal to sympathy, as well as the manifestation of different rhetorical tropes, figures of speech and syllogisms and enthymemes. The aim is to be created a profile of the paid troll using only his way of writing. Also the author wants to prove that critcal reading what’s posted online will prevent netizens from falling into manipulative traps, set by the political parties.

Keywords: paid trolls, online communication, rhetorical techniques, manipulation, rhetorical arguments, media.

Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 19, October 2015,,, ISSN 1314-4464

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Anna Valkanova – Global Public Communications in Global Digital Environment

Anna Valkanova – Global Public Communications in Global Digital EnvironmentAbstract: This article studies the specifics of public communication in a global context. The research focuses on global publics and global digital media and influence upon the model of global public communications. The article outlines the significance of two-way symmetric communication model in the global communication context.

Key words: global public communications, global publics, global digital media, two-way symmetric communication model.

Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 19, October 2015,,, ISSN 1314-4464

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Daniela Koleva – Model for Assessing Individual Presentation Skills

Daniela Koleva – Model for Assessing Individual Presentation SkillsAbstract: The existence of presentation skills in the modern management is seen as a critical element of the communication competence of the manager. Presentation skills combine the ability to persuade, to expose facts and arguments, and to achieve successful communication to a large group of people. Every manager can develop these skills if there is enough motivation. They are based on individual abilities and depend on personal characteristics, experience and acquired skills.

This article discusses the training in presentation skills as part of the training of human resources, and presents a model for the assessment of individual presentation skills.

Keywords: communication, business communication, presentations, presentation skills, evaluation of skills.

Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 19, October 2015,,, ISSN 1314-4464

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Elena Tarasheva – Study on Volen Siderov’s Discourse in 42 National Assembly

Elena Tarasheva – Study on Volen Siderov’s Discourse in 42 National AssemblyAbstract: The article analyses the discourse of the political leader of a nationalist party, Ataka, in the Bulgarian Parliament for its 42nd session. Based on a corpus comprising all the speeches of the leader, Volen Siderov, corpus analytical techniques, such as key word lists, collocates and clusters are used to elicit characteristics of the discourse, which reveal dominant features of nationalist rhetoric. The analysis is situated within the theoretical framework of Critical Discourse Analysis and applies concepts from Functional Linguistics, such as the nature of the verbal activity, the specifics of attributes, affected objects etc. The conclusions reveal a rhetoric of claims which aims to condemn without even seeking grounds for the accusations, and an array of activities which remain unrelated to reality. Several features project the traits of populism.

Key words: corpus assisted critical discourse analysis, nationalism, Bulgaria, Parliamentary discourse.

Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 19, October 2015,,, ISSN 1314-4464

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Violeta Ashikova – Rhetorical Argumentation during the Vote of No Confidence in Bulgarian Parliamentary Practice. Theoretical Framework and Tools

Violeta Ashikova – Rhetorical Argumentation during the Vote of No Confidence in Bulgarian Parliamentary Practice. Theoretical Framework and ToolsAbstract: Analysis of rhetorical argumentation in votes of no confidence is characterized by the presentation of a new research field. This article puts focus on relations between the Bulgarian Parliament and the government in the framework of political and argumentative discourse of the procedure provided for in the Constitution related to the termination of the government’s mandate in a vote of censure on the executive. In the course of study proves that the debate on votes of no confidence are specific communicative activity that follows its own specific argumentative strategies own legitimation of the political parties (parliamentary groups and executive participating in the debate) and legitimation of political opponents with active use of fallacies. It provides comprehensive analysis of the selected vot of no confidence by 39. Parliament as a result of that analysis the impact of socio-political and institutional context as factors for introduction, debate or shift the debate on the merits. They have been identified argumentative strategies and a number of errors in the informal proof that strengthen the position of the author that the debate on votes of no confidence are fighting for political legitimacy and parliamentary mechanism for verbal interaction, as in the ranks of power and in the ranks of the opposition. The study approbation and use authorial methodology whose tool of analysis is also applicable to other studies, which gives the possibility to practice parliamentary relations in general.

Key words: argumentation, strategic maneuvering, argumentative strategies, vote of no confidence, parliamentary debate, fallacies.

Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 19, October 2015,,, ISSN 1314-4464

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Agnieszka Budzyńska-Daca – The Rhetoric of Time in the Final Pre-election TV Debates

Agnieszka Budzyńska-Daca – The Rhetoric of Time in the Final Pre-election TV DebatesAbstract: The article is a methodological proposal referring to the study of pre-election TV debates. Its aim is to draw attention to formative and meaning-oriented properties of temporal categories in shaping / studying media discourse. Three temporal categories were identified: the time related to the situation of the debate as a genre with specific communicative functions; the time of rhetorical strategies used by the actors participating in the debate; and the time of direct interaction between the actors. Finally, the elements shaping the temporal orders of particular categories were discussed.

Keywords: rhetoric of time, final pre-election debates, media discourse, election campaign, electoral strategies.

Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 19, October 2015,,, ISSN 1314-4464

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Yordanka Madzharova Bruteig – Writing Democracy: The Norwegian Constitution 1814-2014

Yordanka Madzharova Bruteig – Writing Democracy: The Norwegian Constitution 1814-2014Abstract: The Norwegian Constitution (Kongeriket Norges Grunnlov) of 1814 is the oldest functioning constitution in Europe. Its amendment procedure has also been unique in that all amendments (prior to very recently) had to be provided in the same archaic language as the Constitution itself – an antiquated language form closer to Danish than to modern day Norwegian. This article observes the parliamentary discourse on constitutional amendments with particular focus on the proposals for language modernization of the Constitution. Included here are also deliberations held prior to the complete language renovation of the Constitution (in both official language forms bokmål and nynorsk) approved just before its bicentennial in May 2014. The author investigates how procedural, political, and institutional factors have influenced discourse on the Constitution’s language form.

Keywords: The Norwegian Constitution, Norwegian Parliamentary Discourse, language form.

Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 19, October 2015,,, ISSN 1314-4464

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Bistra Dudeva, Kristina Stoyanova – Gestures and Еnglish Language Teaching in a Medical University: a Study

Bistra Dudeva, Kristina Stoyanova – Gestures and Еnglish Language Teaching in a Medical University: a Study Abstract. English language teaching at the medical university demonstrates the significance of gestures in oral communication. The aim of the study is to investigate the ability of students of the Medical University –Sofia, Bulgaria, to acquire and accompany the use of English language (L2) phrases with the appropriate G2 gestures, characteristic of C2 culture where L2 communication is considered native. The study demonstrates the very limited ability of medical university students’ to accompany the use of L2 with the appropriate gestures. It also demonstrates the significance of gestures in second language teaching.

Keywords: English language teaching, gestures, medical university students.

Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 19, October 2015,,, ISSN 1314-4464

Read the original of the text (in English)