Georgi Ivanov, Angelina Kalinova – Academic Projects as a Tool to Build Culture for Assessment and Self-assessment of Students with a Major in Pedagogy

Georgi Ivanov, Angelina Kalinova -  Academic Projects as a Tool to Build Culture for Assessment and Self-assessment of Students with a Major in Pedagogy Abstract: One of the forms of continuous assessment of the students’ educational majors is course projects. Based on the experimental work carried out, we offer options to work with exchange projects through which it is possible more comprehensive and thorough utilization of academic content, skills for self-assessment, evaluation, critical analysis, willingness and ability to generate new ideas and their practical examination. These options are based on the approach of mutual exchange of reviewing projects by students.

Keywords: academic preparation, course design, each peer review, evaluation, self-assessment, generation of new ideas.

Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 17, April 2015,,, ISSN 1314-4464

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