Dilyana Pavlova – Knowledge Society and Knowledge Economy. Emergence and Trends in the Use of the Two Concepts

Abstract:The aim of the article is to explore the genesis of the concepts of “knowledge society” and “knowledge economy” and to outline the trends in their use in scientific and political context. The main arguments about the relationship between the two concepts in the academic literature are briefly presented. This critical overview is supplemented by an analysis of the key publications in the Scopus database. In addition, the terms are evaluated also in a political context by analyzing documents of the EU institutions that mention them. The results are compared in order to present trends in the use of the concepts and to analyze the relationship between the two contexts.

Keywords: bibliometrics; knowledge economy; knowledge society;

Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 15, January 2015, rhetoric.bg/, journal.rhetoric.bg, ISSN 1314-4464

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