Assia Assenova – Biopolitics in the Case of in vitro Fertilization in Bulgaria

Assia Assenova – Biopolitics in the Case of in vitro Fertilization in BulgariaAbstract: Infertility is an important topic to bring forth, since it elicits multiple themes and cultural values having to do with the path take, with gender roles and definitions of femininity and masculinity, as well as moral and legal issues. ‘IVF is a shifting cultural artifact, as imbricated as any other in contemporary discourses and the struggles they articulate.’ [1] Reproduction is turning into a zone where gender, sexuality, economic development, public and private family life and public policies, biotechnology and the ethical dilemmas it causes, interact in a very delicate and specific way.

Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 4, April 2012,, ISSN 1314-4464


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