Nikos Filipu – The role of Language Teachers in the CLIL curriculum


Nikos Filipu

Sofia University, the Faculty of Classical and Modern Philology


Abstract: The European Union has, through the Bologna Process (1999) and the Europe 2020 Strategy (2000), set objectives in becoming by 2020 a leading and innovative society. The core objectives were recognised as being education, science and economics. Since the benefits of the EU objectives were to be enjoyed by every citizen, bilingualism — or multilingualism — was seen as the most suitable in achieving higher levels of language proficiency, cultural awareness and educational and economic growth. In the 1990’s, CLIL emerged as an educational approach that assigned language a special role in the learning of subject content and in promoting cultural awareness. The question that now arose was – since the content teacher was expected to teach the content in the target language and had to be competent in the target language, what is the role of the language teacher in the CLIL curriculum and how does this affect language teachers? This article looks at the role of language teachers in a CLIL environment.

Keywords: Content and Language Integrated Learning, language teachers, role of language teachers.

Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 35, July 2018,,, ISSN 1314-4464

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