Daniela Koleva – Model for Assessing Individual Presentation Skills

Daniela Koleva – Model for Assessing Individual Presentation SkillsAbstract: The existence of presentation skills in the modern management is seen as a critical element of the communication competence of the manager. Presentation skills combine the ability to persuade, to expose facts and arguments, and to achieve successful communication to a large group of people. Every manager can develop these skills if there is enough motivation. They are based on individual abilities and depend on personal characteristics, experience and acquired skills.

This article discusses the training in presentation skills as part of the training of human resources, and presents a model for the assessment of individual presentation skills.

Keywords: communication, business communication, presentations, presentation skills, evaluation of skills.

Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 19, October 2015, rhetoric.bg/, journal.rhetoric.bg, ISSN 1314-4464

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