Abstract: The paper consists the result of investigation on public relation of Bulgarian Posts LTD in Bulgarian print media. Object of the research are 611 publications in the press, related with Bulgarian posts during the period 2004-2014. An object of the research is the evaluation of the PR in the press of the Bulgarian posts. In the dissertation research are used: method of content analysis, interview with experts, method of inquiry cards, method of assess. The results are: Elaboration of methodology for Complex evaluation of the Public relationships in Bulgarian posts in the press from 2004 till 2014 and Analysis and evaluation of the Public relationships of Bulgarian posts. The complex evaluation for analysis of the content of the PR publications of Bulgarian posts gives more detailed and expert evaluation of the PR department in 10-years period. The using of the proposed methodology for elaboration of future PR publications by the firm will form more stable and confident communication with external and internal publics of Bulgarian Posts, also and more quality prognostication directions for the future
Keywords: Public Relations; Content- analysis; Complex assessment methodology; Bulgarian Posts EAD; print media.
Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 19, October 2015, rhetoric.bg/, journal.rhetoric.bg, ISSN 1314-4464