Media and Public Communication
DOI 10.55026/COBI6488
Dimitrina Stefanova
South-West University “Neofit Rilski”, Blagoevgrad
Abstract: The dynamics of processes in society and organisations, new ways of processing and interpreting information, mixed reality, digitalization and other factors are driving a number of changes in communication today. These changes have influenced public relations or PR in the public sphere. The hypothesis is that PR continues to have a responsibility in fostering good relationships with stakeholders while taking into account factors such as digitalization, institution building, and the development of civil society. There are guiding principles underpinning successful PR on which to structure communication strategies. This study aims to critically review the principles embedded in strategic documents related to public sector activity and to summarise guiding principles in structuring effective “public relations”. The methods used are desk research and secondary data analysis. The summaries are presented as recommendations in a systematic form based on a synthesis of the analysis of levels.
Keywords: principles of management, strategic public relations, responsibility.
Rhetoric and Communications Journal, issue 60, July 2024
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