Aspects in the Political Understanding of the Digital Stratification Social Phenomenon

Political Communication and Digitalisation

DOI 10.55026/IPYT7407

Vladislava Dimitrova

University of National and World Economy

Department of Economic Sociology, UNWE


Abstract: The article clarifies the phenomenon of “digital stratification” from a theoretical point of view as a new type of social inequality in the modern information society. The aim is to propose a systematisation of the political conceptualisation of digital inequality. Based on content analysis, some perspectives on the political conceptualisation and definition of the phenomenon of “digital stratification” are outlined. The analysis also includes the desk research method applied to scientific and media publications, as well as to legal, regulatory and administrative documents adopted by institutions in individual countries and at the supranational level. The hypothesis is that digital stratification is a phenomenon that has both general and specific manifestations at the social, economic, cultural, and digital levels; it is a phenomenon of a complex nature and dynamic development that requires analyses and timely decision-making by governments based on expertise to neutralise negative phenomena. Conclusions are drawn on the importance of developing comprehensive policies that actively reduce digital divides and promote equal access to information technology for all citizens.

Keywords: digital divide, access, political consideration, information society, motivation.

Rhetoric and Communications Journal, issue 60, July 2024

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