Ivelina Boevska
Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski
E-mail: ivelinapetrova@mail.bg
Abstract: This report focuses on the term ‘digital democracy’ and the new technologies being developed in the context of an exceedingly dynamic communication environment. It presents concepts and predominant paradigms which exemplify the main political communication practices and the functioning of digital democracy. The report offers a theoretical and analytical framework based on a study of the connections between democracy, the Internet, public opinion and political communication. This study allows for an original taxonomy and conceptualization of the challenges faced by the political communication environment, which, as of 2021, seem insurmountable. The pandemic has brought to life a number of viruses that no one is likely to overcome in the near future – neither in Bulgaria, nor in Europe or on other continents. The revolutionary technological and communication changes taking place, the scientific breakthroughs as well as the versatile political play are prerequisites for a modification of the political scene in Bulgaria and abroad. There is an urgent need for refreshing the concept of political processes and accumulating deeper knowledge of politics and communication. This, in turn, will lead to the need for profound heuristic studies of digital democracy and political communication.
Кeywords: digital democracy, political communication, trends, information, the Internet.
Rhetoric and Communications Journal, issue 53, October 2022