Public Communication, Digitalisation and Visualisation
Åland University of Applied Sciences, Finland
Abstract: Intercultural communication competences are learned through experience and through reflection. For the subject to be discussed, it is key to depart from a shared idea of reality. Such an idea is the contrary to egocentric and ethnocentric perspectives. From a democratic point of view, it is important to communicate ideas so that people without a university degree can grasp them. Pictures can clarify statements and sometimes convey almost the complete idea of a simple theory. This works the same way as a simile or a metaphor. When we understand we say “I see” – an indication that our visual sense is the most powerful way to use our intelligences. By using simple visual ideas and experiences that all grown-ups already are familiar with, a transfer of basic understanding of what intercultural communication is, can be successful. The hypothesis is that intercultural communication competences are learned through experiences and through reflection. The author shares his experience as a university lecturer and researcher concerning methods to present visual and multimodal manifestations in public and intercultural communication.
Keywords: public communication, intercultural communication, intercultural communication competences, visual communication, multimodality, multimodal manifestations.