Abstract: The article summarizes through the lens of visual virtual rhetoric the new representations of rhetorical canon dispositio manifested in virtual sphere. Object of the research are the new modes and variations of the traditional rhetorical canon. The purpose of the paper is to study these new representations through the lens of visual rhetoric in the virtual sphere. The methodology comprises of critical interpretative analysis of fundamental rhetoric works, visual rhetoric analysis of presentations from TED.com and rhetorical analysis of communication in the virtual sphere. The results aim to establish traditional and new manifestations of the canon dispositio, features of presentations in virtual sphere in TED.com.
Key words: rhetorical canons, dispositio, argumentation, composition, structure, virtual rhetoric, TED.com, TED presentations, rhetorical genre analysis, elements, parts, characteristics.
Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 20, November 2015, rhetoric.bg/, journal.rhetoric.bg, ISSN 1314-4464
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