Abstract: The process of argumentation in the paper is connected to the usage of mixed clauses with an accumulation of causality. Different models of argumentative strategies will be analyzed in the paper. For example, in Spanish, causal, final and consecutive clauses can be postponed to intensify the argumentation and in this case they function as external modifiers. It is important that when organizing the text speakers use complex mechanisms of argumentation such as the combination of different types of causal modifiers (internal and external). Expressing causality in the clearest possible way leads to a higher perlocutionary effect. According to the argumentation theory the transition from cause to effect goes through one’s background knowledge; that is why it is applied to the analysis of causal clauses. The clauses that express causality play a very important role in the process of argumentation and they are a part of the discourse strategies for maintaining communication.
Key words: argumentation, cause, effect, consequence, causality, background knowledge.
Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 34, May 2018, rhetoric.bg/, journal.rhetoric.bg, ISSN 1314-4464